Vol 8 Chapter 4 (1/2)

Chapter 4 – Setting Off

Part 1

Kizuna looked up at the three huge shadows above his head


A silhouette of shi+p with length thatat the sky of Ataraxia The battleshi+p that becaard that kizuna once boarded and fought together with

The coresite of Nayuta Lab raised shock voice froe battleshi+p

“Our battleshi+p [Ataraxia] huh It’s unforeseen that I can meet it once more”

Gravel who stood beside Kizuna murmured with deep emotion Himekawa also crossed her arms and looked up at that battleshi+p

“So you all rode that to co us weren’t you……also, that one is called [Oldium]?”

Hi at the one other shi+p with outline that was even larger than Ataraxia

“Eh? Himekawa, you know it?”

“Yes If I re on its deck――”

“That’s right isn’t it So else to be broadcasted through the empire”

A beautiful girl like an angel arrived with her pink hair fluttering behind her Her small statured but splendid body was covered by s toward theallantly

“Grace! You are fine already?”

Her ar, but Grace answered with a bold smile

“Yes I made you worried Nii-sama Now I completely fine already”

“Is that so! Aah, I’lad”

Looking at her energetic figure, Kizuna’s voice reflexively beca by behind Grace wasan unpleasant face

“What’s the matter? Preside……Zelsione”

Zelsione glared fiercely at Kizuna, but she then sighed deeply in resignation

“How can this be fine Even though her injury isn’t healed yet, her ether in this journey”

“Obviously! Even though this is the journey to search for Nee-sa here!”

And then she looked up at the largest battleshi+p a in the sky above

Its total length far surpassed two kilo streaeous fortress And then from its side until its bottorand battleshi+p that was once even called as the flying i work of art

Oldium was the symbol of the royal fath Because Grace didn’t deploy at the previous battle against Kizuna and others, it was placed at the rearmost row of the fleet and didn’t have the chance to participate in the battle However, Oldium had the trust of the Vatlantis ar as Oldium was there then they would win the battle

“Besides, if I don’t ride on board Oldiuress Isn’t that so, Zel?”

Zelsione shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly while whispering ‘By your will’

Kizuna suddenly felt like spouting out When he looked at his side, Gravel was staring at Zel with eyes as if she was looking at a strange thing

Even Zelsione, after they were leading school life for sorown to be ot the iree hat Nayuta was saying, but certainly the period of grace she gave the on various effects for them That was a fact

“Say, that is……”

Hi her hand reservedly pointed at the re shi+p with a perplexed expression

“That is, the re shi+p……rather than that, is that an animal? What in the world is that……”

“Aah……I too don’t really get it just what is that”

Kizuna also frowned, he stared at the strange-looking large object floating in the sky

“That is the flagshi+p of Baldein that is like our guardian deity, the [Golden Dragon]”

The queen of Baldein, the commander of Baldein army Ruleo and her staff officer Mora finally arrived Landred today wasn’t wearing her white robe of the school nurse, she was in the style of a queen that looked nearly stark naked It seemed that she had recalled her past as the queen

And then Ruleo and Mora were also not in school uniforh exposure rate Kizuna had h school student of Ataraxia, this was the first time he saw the two as military officer of Baldein

Ruleo irling her wavy light blue hair with her finger while looking up proudly at the shi+ning gigantic golden dragon

“That’s right! That is exactly the protector God of our Baldein! The great dragon that ruled at the suon!”

A golden gigantic dragon Kizuna had theZeltis He had heard that it caard allied ar actor that reversed the war situation

It looked sshi+p, but even so its total length was about five hundred th of its neck was er than that The length of its torso was alsofroe size that wasn’t inferior even compared to normal battleshi+p

Inside that torso, facility for coed neatly As a matter of fact one could assent if it was applied as Baldein’s flagshi+p However it was surprising that living space existed inside a ic weapon even as a joke

“Ohohohohoho, all of you from Vatlantis had witnessed how it scattered away everyone in the occasion of Zeltis invasion hadn’t you all? That gallant figure had been burned behind my eyelid forever!”

“That’s, it only because the flagshi+p of Vatlantis Empire [Oldium] didn’t sortie out”

Sparks went off between Grace and Ruleo Even now they were going to jump at each other, but Reiri’s voice called out before that happened

“Everyone is here already”

Reiri and Kei caround just in time Kizuna nonchalantly moved in between Grace and Ruleo and talked to Reiri

“Nee-chan Just where in the world did we get those battleshi+ps? Are those also inside the data taken back from Deus ex Machina?”

Faster than Reiri could answer, there was a figure that appeared lightly from thin air above

“No Thos are freshly made brand new articles”

Taking out a folding fan from her bosom, Hida Nayuta then sharply pointed above

“Those shi+ps’ design entered insidesome improvements”

Everyone present there were taken aback from Nayuta’s careless remark

“If I could just understand the design, building a shi+p is even siic weapon and battleshi+p are created using ic power With my current power, there is no problem at all to create those”

However Grace was in a state where her mouth was opened unable to close anymore

“……What are you saying That shi+p was built by several hundreds of Vatlantis’s ineers for several tens of years you know?”

Noas Nayuta who tilted her head in surprise

“How strange That’s just too inefficient Did your people have no motivation, or did they just don’t have the ability, isn’t it because one of those thing?”

Even Grace couldn’t help but admired Nayuta’s power Not only as a ineer was just in a different scale Grace once against thought that her appoint and arma from her ability It was just, there was too much problem with her personality, so in the end it was a failure

Reiri crossed her arms and looked over everyone there

“With this our preparation is in good order It’s finally the time to depart”

The place becaulping throat

ba-, Nayuta opened her folding fan with that sound

“Let y for this time once more”

Saying that she flapped her fan and a transparent cube appeared in the air The transparent box was floating in the air

“Please think of this cube as a worl”

Inside that cube, there was a round sphere floating

“This is the space And then inside it are stars and planets, and also living things Everything is settled inside the unit called the world”

Kizuna asked in suspicion wondering as she talking about

“……It’s really a grand scale story huh Talk in a way that we can understand”

Nayuta smiled thinly and waved her fan once more Thereupon three more cubes appeared and there became four cubes in total

“Each Deus ex Machina has their oorld This one is Hokuto”

The cube Nayuta pointed then showed the figure of Hokuto floating in it

“And then this one is Thanatos”

It was the Deus ex machine in the style of Greek that destroyed Genesis and deleted Atlantis and Lemuria Her appearance was pasted in the second cube

“The detail of the other two is unclear but I know that they are called [Osiris] and [Odin]

The re two cubes had those names carved in them

“These four Deus ex Machina collaborated to create torlds”

Particles of light flowed out froathered in one place From that two cubes appeared

“This is our worlds, Lemuria and Vatlantis”

Black sphere was created inside the cube and stars were flickering inside it

“The civilization of earth has coe with those Deus ex Machina, but if we think that in the first place thoseour world then it can be understood”

“Eh!? Even the civilization of our world is soiven by those machine Gods?”

Kizuna asked back spontaneously He understood that Deus ex Machina created Atlantis and Lemuria, but he didn’t think that even their civilization was because of Deus ex Machina

Kei immediately typed her keyboard

“In that case, thatus their civilization Whatit has?”

Nayuta smiled sweetly and nodded

“Good question That too will surely become clear if we defeat one of them”

Nayuta largely waved her hand and cubes representing the world appeared one after another, they were being piled up toward the sky The four cubes of Deus ex Machina also slipped inside those piles and he lost sight of them

White box in the top: Chain of countless world

Transparent cubes: World

Right top corner box: Thanatos’s world

Right bottom corner box: Odin’s world

Left top corner box: Hokuto’s world

Left bottom corner box: Osiris’s world

Left white box: Atlantis (AU)

Right white box: Lemuria (Earth)

Black box at the center: AU Collision

Black box at the bottom: Miniature world created by the four Deus ex Machina modeled after their oorlds

“What is called world exist in countless nu over the boundary that exist betorlds and reached a neorld is a pain To find Deus ex h space-time and step into different world”

The boxes of world were still piling up while Nayuta was saying that with the ht even reached the battleshi+p floating in the sky already Looking up at that tower, Reiri let out a low voice

“In other word, there is no other way but using our legs and steadily look for them, is that what you mean?”

Nayuta looked up at the two battleshi+ps and oneby in the sky

“Just as I said before, I performed some i their enerate Entrance That is to say they are able to move betorlds”

She was saying that they were shi+ps that could possibly generate AU collision by their oer and moved betorlds

Everyone in that place couldn’t believe Nayuta’s words so suddenly But, when they thought of Nayuta’s ability as a machine God, they couldn’t just discard it as a lie

“In exchange, I distributed the ic mechanism of the three shi+ps”


Kizuna spontaneously raised his voice toward that concerning phrasing of Nayuta However it felt like it would touch so unpleasant if he asked in detail, so he instead chose to not ask deeper

Reiri put her hand on her waist and spoke once more

“The operation will begin after this Each person is to begin the preparation to board each shi+p”

Until now they kept being done in one-sidedly by Deus ex Machina It wasn’t any different like being tossed around by mother nature like typhoon or earthquake that human power couldn’t match

‘――But, it will be different from here on’

Reiri yelled sharply

“It’s hunting time”

Killing intent like ice was burning up inside those eyes

“The prey is God!”

Even hue and effort to the li nature

“We will let those creators know the strength of human!”

Here in this place was the beginning of the genuine counterattack against Deus ex Machina

Flame was lit inside the eyes of everyone

“……Just you wait and see, God”

Kizuna clenched his fist tightly

Part 2

Two battleshi+ps and one gigantic ic weapon departed from Ataraxia

The flagshi+p of Vatlantis Eroup just like that The main creere Grace, Zelsione, Quartum’s Clayda, Elma, Lunora, and Ramza

In Baldein’s Golden Dragon, Baldein’s arard army embarked inside

And then the flagshi+p of Izgard-Lemuria allied force, the battleshi+p Ataraxia The one e it were Kizuna and Hiether

Because it was still difficult for the otherto receive treatment in Nayuta Lab

“It will be great if everyone quickly get well isn’t it”

Hi to Kizuna

Both of the scenery visible froe The battleshi+p Ataraxia was currently in thebetorlds The scenery visible fro stars in theriver The scenery was so beautiful that would h in admiration, it wouldn’t make one bored no matter how much one looked at it

“Yeah……but, what’s the matter for you to suddenly say that?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Himekawa smiled shyly

“The sight outside thelooks like shooting stars so”

Kizuna narrowed his eyes as if he was looking at a cute kitten

“I guess It’s absolutely iht in the previous world”

Kizuna had seen a sight that was si Vatlantis and rushed through the Entrance toward Zeltis That tiht was extremely similar like this

“Come to think of it, Hayuru, you had never seen the scenery inside an Entrance aren’t you”

“Yes Because, aren’t we locked inside a cell without hen ere taken to Vatlantis After that Kizuna-kun returned to Le at Vatlantis all that time since then”

“You’re right……after all, you are the national idol of Vatlantis”

“Wai……ple, please stop! That thing doesn’t matter anymore!”

Hilared at Kizuna sullenly

Kizuna was laughing while directing his eyes outside theonce more

Actually, what they were doing wasbetorlds, similar like Entrance, so perhaps it was only natural that the scenery was si side by side with them

Oldiuether with them

“Which reo back to the bridge soon”

Kizuna said that and began to walk, Himekawa also replied “Yes” and followed behind him

Both of thee When they came near the entrance’s door, the heavy door opened soundlessly And then inside the bridge was an interior that was like an extremely luxurious parlor as usual No matter how many ti inside a battleshi+p

There was shi+p captain’s seat at a high position inside, Reiri was sitting there similar like the time when they stormed Zeltis

Ahead of the captain’s chair, at the left was a table where shi+kina Kei was sitting In a glance the table looked gothic, but it had the function to govern the shi+p’s navigation

With a good tion cae s opened at the front of the bridge Eachprojected Grace and Gravel respectively

{Nii-sa How about that side?}

Her ary

“Yeah, this side also has no problem What about your side Gravel?”

{Our side is the sah compared to the other shi+ps, this one is quiet cramped}

Thereupon Ruleo’s voice could be heard across Gravel’s shoulder

{Come now! That’s rude!! In the first place, other countries’ battleshi+p is just pointlessly using too much space If there is just a space as on has, then there won’t even be anything inconvenient!}

Looking at Gravel as soothing Ruleo with a troubled face, laughter spontaneously occurred

The sailing was going favorably right now There was no big proble they were concerned of, it was that they didn’t understand when they would arrive at the world of Deus ex Machina

Kizuna peeked at thefloating above Kei’s desk

It was displaying a graph of square grid like a chessboard It see the condition of the space Kizuna didn’t really understand it, but he recalled Nayuta and Kei talking about so like that That hy he was really concerned that the graphic was greatly distorted

“shi+kina-san……what’s with this?”

Kei was stiffened Her fingertips were tre above her keyboard

‘――Don’t tell me,’

Kizuna reflexively yelled

“We are discovering alternate world here!”

“What? Kei, the detailed report!”

Even while Reiri was asking, the graph displaying the space was increasingly distorting e vortex It was just like a typhoon that was photoed by satellite

Kei who returned to her senses typed her keyboard in panic

{Terrifyingly huge AU collision is occurring! It is singevenlike a tsunaed in!}


The battleshi+p Ataraxia began to vibrate fiercely The shi+p tilted and started accelerating as if it was being sucked by so at Kei’s desk and frantically asked

“Can we avoid it!?”

{Unknown! How to deal with so like thi}

{What should we do!? The control is not working here!}

It see disastrous at the other side The screen was fiercely shaking, the crews of the shi+p wereabout in confusion At that time, the battleshi+p Ataraxia was attacked by a fierce i became reversed

Kizuna and others was already being sed by the space-ti continued and the whole shi+p’s body raised creaking sound

Reiri was clinging on her chair while desperately giving out instruction

“Excavator(AU Wall Excavator)! Put it out!”

Kei ran her hand through the control panel without a ertips, several dozen holes opened on the bow of battleshi+p Ataraxia, particles of light were ejected froan to rotate It was like a drill used in the occasion of digging into underground got enlarged to unbelievable level

What was called Excavator was the equipation betorlds As long as no Entrance was created, it was io to another world However Nayutaout the wall of world and by opening a tunnel, it h that It was so that forcefully created an Entrance

“For the ti ill escape to the nearest world! Anywhere is fine so dig into that wall!”

Yelling voices also could be heard froon’s s

{Don’t late to react in our side too! Don’t let Oldiuet separated from Ataraxia!}

{Match the et bloay to different world, perhaps on’t be able to ain for the second time!}

The rotating bow of battleshi+p Ataraxia crashed into so invisible It was like the shi+p suddenly stopped in place, a fierce impact attacked the shi+p Sparks scattered on the bow and distorted the light flowing in the surrounding

“Kei! Did that do it!?”

{We caught it Fixing at the outer edge of another world}

“Don’t let go! Cut in just like this! Oldiuon too――”

At that time, a shockwave that felt like a punch struck the battleshi+p Ataraxia The bow of the shi+p co into contact with the wall of the another world was separated once again

{We are separating froain Everyone be care――}

At that round becae was throay froantic hand was holding and shaking the shi+p The vibration toward all direction was continuing and strong impacts as if the shi+p crashed into rocky area were attacking incessantly The creaking of the shi+p’ fra like a scream



The transforantic undulation that attacked the shi+p It was like a tsuna with Ataraxia, Oldiuon Power that cared not of their effort threw the three shi+ps into a chaos of whirling world

The s floating in the bridge turned off all at once Oldiuon’s trans inside the shi+p was vanishi+ng one after another

{Control……isn’t working}

With a portable keyboard hung down from her neck, Kei just barely able to type in those words before she lost consciousness The figures of Ataraxia, Oldiuon disappeared between the waves of space-time

Part 3

“Kizuna, wake up”

It was a nostalgic voice Mother’s voice――it sounded extre, but the quality of the voice was certainly that was of his mother Even when he was a child, his mother had come several times to wake him up Because she would be troubled if the experiment didn’t start exactly as scheduled

“How long you are going to sleep Stop relaxing and open your eyes”

But, this ti unbearably pleasant He wanted to keep like this, just for a while longer――,

“Theto hunt us”

That voice made Kizuna jumped awake

“Here!? Is everyone safe!?”

The creere fainted on the floor of the slanting bridge Everyone didn’t even twitch The inside of his chest beca calmly with her fan

“Cal their consciousness”

Kizuna sighed in relieve and stood up unsteadily


A female student that fainted at his side moaned


Kizuna raised up Hi on her cheek He caressed her face and checked if she had bruise With a faint sigh, Himekawa thinly opened her eyes


“I’lad Your consciousness is back”

Himekawa he raised her body and put her hand on her forehead

“I, fainted……?”

“Yeah I also just awoke only now though……rather than that, are you not hurt?”

He lent his hand to Himekawa and helped her to stand up somehow She had some bruises but it seemed she didn’t have any serious injury Kizuna faced Nayuta and asked

“What happened after that? This place……where is it?”

“Looks like we landed on a different world Confirm it by your own eyes”

“Even if you tell me to check……”

Kizuna walked together with Himekaard the


The scenery spreading outside theentered his eyes and he reflexively lost his word

It looked like earth

At afar, continuingfro waves There was a vast city divided in gird shape spreading before those There was a lot of red tiled roof and various sizes of buildings were standing in clutter That scenery looked like a city soave Kizuna a

“This place……is this, the world where we originated from?”

“It looks similar, but this is somewhere different Look at that”

Ahead where Nayuta pointed was so that was obviously bizarre S in the sky Those islands were created fro fro islands were floating in the air Hiazed at the abnormal scenery

“What miraculous……”

“Where we are is also on one of the island floating in the sky”

Nayuta projected the ie of battleshi+p Ataraxia captured from overhead view on her pal The battleshi+p Ataraxia did ee of the island They were on a plain distanced froth of the shi+p o thousand meter, it seemed that the diameter of the island was about ten kilometer

Kizuna felt that the city in this island and i of Deus ex Machina Hokuto overlapped

“Don’t tell me……this is Hokuto’s world?”

“If that’s the case, thatprobability……I cannot think of this as anything but a working of someone’s will”

“Someone you say……just who can do this?”

Nayuta put her finger on her lips and pondered for a while For someone like Nayuta who usually replied back with i rare

“……Anyway, let’s investigate We are going out for field work”

“Bu, but, is the outside an environment where human can live?”

Himekawa asked in fluster

“The composition of the air is no different with earth The temperature and humidity are also relatively warm”

Having said that they still couldn’t rest assured, but it appeared that there was no proble outside

“However, let’s go outside after two or threeout”

Nayuta s at her sht It was different with the thin sirl’s one

“So to do……what’s that?”

“The reinstall of your own Eros”

Nayuta untied the sash of her kimono She loosened her collar and exposed her immature breast


Kizuna and also Hi unable to say anything

In contrast of the two, Hida Nayuta floated a s with curiosity