377 Chapter 377, Tian Dance Mainland (1/2)

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boom! Boom!

The whole day dance continent, and it is covered by the vast power of the vast power, and the whole continent has been concave!

Of course, this is a perspective of Zhou Ming, as for people living in it, probably only glare white light, then fall into a permanent sleep ...

This is a disaster, there is a disaster in the mainland. Even if it is the battle of the demon god of the ancient times, there is no such thing as a big destruction. All of the gods wars have left the tremendous destruction of the terrain. Thoroughly damage the extent of the whole day dance, the roots!

The king of the gods moves with the power of almost the whole god! I have accumulated hundreds of millions of years of beliefs and power gathered to strong hits, absolutely enough to dance the whole day!

Zhou Ming's countless forest broke out the vast power of breath, emitting dazzling golden halo, toughness is enough to compare the artifact's defense! Even so, you can't stop all over the wave, then the cost of doing is too big.

”Hey! Is it struggling? I am all you.”

The soul of the king of the gods has been completely trapped in the spirit of the long Bowl, the king of the gods is undoubtedly an alone, and the spirit of the gods will be mobilized. At the same time, it will hit the whole day dance mainland. Take this to find a line of life, but unfortunately, the king of the gods has underestimated the strength of Zhou Ming from beginning to end!

Looks: ”Elements are fiction! Birth!”

Roar! !

The red fire element of the red, suddenly exploring a giant paw from the magical array behind him! Yes, it is a paw! This feet have hundreds of feet's horror magic and even hosted the horror of the sun and moon!


This is not the end, almost the next moment, the five equally sized magic arrays appear! Different atmosphere, it is shrouded in the center of Zhou Ming! When the top of the six terrorist creatures completely appeared, the void was stagnant!

The heavy pressure allows the space to be somewhat viscous, and always disappear in the Sunday of Zhou Ming's surroundment! The changes that follow, the breath of several elements of the spirit begins to climb crazy! From the beginning, it is a common spirit, starting to approach the king of the king!

When all the dust is set, the horror at the top of the six King King is almost shocked!

Zhou Ming exposed a satisfactory smile, these a few pians, now it can be said to be the same as the congenital god, and it is more special for the sky.



As if the horror monship from hell, six high-altitude terrorist figures are like, just like to swear to the whole world! At this moment, the horrible breath even arrived at the end of the empty!


No instructions are required, don't need any communication, a few phenomena directly break the space, appearing above the forest of God. Endless power floods have lasteded for a long time, but there is no weakening from beginning to end! These trends come from the king of the king of the gods, and the power of the whole gods crazy out of the world, it is not able to resist the strength of a gods.

Zhou Ming also used the power of the entire day dance, as a material place, the energy level of the sky dance continent may be lower than the gods, but the winning is stable, and it will not completely damage the heavens and earth elements.

These are completely consisting of magical elements, in nature, Zhou Ming's elemental creative created by elementality, this congenital spirit lacks soul, and this is also a field that Zhou Ming has never touched, otherwise he was in Douro The gods created by the plane will not even have a linger.

This is also the reason why Zhou Ming has a vigilance of the king of the gods. In addition to the creation of the gods, Zhou Ming still can't create a species, and a species must have at least And growing capacity. This seems to be easy, but a bit of a meeting may not be able to have a successful race, and Zhou Ming naturally can't do it.

Element fiction is based on Zhou Ming's strength creation, so it is almost a powerful force, but still lacks growth and reproduction ability, and must not be true.

Zhou Ming uses a bit of this source as the core, gives several creative growth possibilities, but there is still no way to give them the ability to reproduce, and the god of destruction and life gods ...