365 Chapter 365, 364 (1/2)

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The weapon of the bright holy sword, the legend of the legendary gods, unfortunately, although the strength of the long Bowl has exceeded the level of the magician, it is still not enough to control the first-class artifact.

Zhou Ming's premium artifact, this Holy Sword is really good, especially in which the king of the gods is attached, the crucial moment is enough to pole bow.


You come to me in both sides, and the long Bowl has already summoned the bright holy sword, and the dark magic gun in the hand of the Devil's hand is not immediately falling into the bottom of the wind.

The black dragon and Xiaojin under the feet are also sprayed out of the dragon, and the violent energy has collided together. Simple Yu Bo will make the surrounding the Mozu to avoid it.

This is still the battlefield in the case of hundreds of meters high! The dragon itself is synonymous with strength, let alone two adult dragons with dragon-level blood.

The strength of Xiaojin has always been a line. It is obviously that Black Dragon in the peak of the peak is obviously not good, but it also helbs a lot of pressure.

Golden and black dragons collision, the resulting explosion occurs the line of sight, the long Bow, this opportunity will hold the bright holy sword, the magic power and fighting in the body are running!

”Saint! Sword! Hey!”

The glare rays instantly scratched the smoke, and the sharp battle of the Devil's sharp battle found this trick, the attack of the first-class artifact, even if he did not dare to make big.

The dark magic gun is almost simultaneous, there is a dark sky in the sky behind you!

On the sheen, the Devil will definitely crush the long bow. It is more than a year, and a footprint is coming to today. Whether it is a fighting experience or skills, Strong!


The dark magic gun faces a black crystalline substance, which is the essence of energy! This palm control is also a dusty, even if the long-woven is also recognized.


The huge sword is in front of the Emperor, but is blocked by an invisible wall, suddenly stopped!

Chang Bowei finally finally saw the situation of the Emperor, but it was not empty, but a dark mirror that integrated into the void!

Long Bow is a smile: ”Call ... this, how can this?”

Even if it is a master of the dragon, it is necessary to be suppressed in the face of the Sword, and there is no exaggeration. I have never seen someone in front of the longevity!

Dead, I looked at the dark magic gun, and the long Bowei Wei already knows this is a artifact, but the moment that truly handed over, he still underestimated each other.

! The huge light blade suddenly took a strange change, and the spiritual connection was disconnected. The long bow is not bad, but it is too late!

The light blade seems to be reflected by the mirror, rushed to the ground straight!



Next moment, the sound of the emperor of the emperor came, the magic gun was in hand, and he was heavy! The long bow is not allowed to observe, the flames of the light, and the holy sword is standing in front of it.


The impact wave of the collision is circularly diffused, exudes the figure of the rays, is hit to hundreds of meters, and it will stop in half an air.

The Emperor's attack did not end, and a trick, the madness of the rare attack made the long bow. Compared with this close mell, Long Bowl, is thoroughly suppressed.

Even the opportunity to take the magic of the magic is not, the state of the long blessing is beginning to decline, on the one hand, the consumption of magic power in the body, on the other hand is his heart.

”Master, retreat!”

Xiao Jin's heart's feelings, long bats are weak, and the body is almost almost with dark magic guns, and the magic robe on the body has been drawn.

However, the reaction is very rapid, and the sword that is almost fakely thinking will force the Devil's second step. Then, the mixture of mixed energy in the body is fully running. If you come over, you will be shocked and stunned!

The emperor is confused, but there is no opportunity to react, a crisis feeling!


After the sound of the explosion, after the Emperor of the Emperor, the collision of the close was a strong impact wave, the moon's figure was suddenly flying out!