340 Chapter 340! (1/2)

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The gray fog crazy gathers together, the face is serious, and it is impossible to judge the strength, and this seems to be a chaotic force that is not a life that is not a chaotic force that is not a life.

”In this case, then you will die!”

In the end, gathering a little horror gray torrent! The original colorful sky is instantially replaced by a gray, and many of the gods around the gods have discolored, and they will always be prepared to evacuate.

The painful lessons of the year have given the gods to suffer from a loss, especially after the gods lose their ability to reproduce the future generations, every god is an integral part of the gods.


With the calm sound falling, the gray torrent is like what is forced to curb it, the speed is reduced and minus it until it is completely in the air!

A red beam rushed into the comics, and another uniqueness suddenly appeared at almost noise of the demon king! This sudden pressure sensation allows the gods to fall into panic.

”Ulurner, this is this?”

The words will stop the gods don't know what to do for a while, can only help the Uulier, ”V” is glorious in the language of the glow, and the same as the original Michael is also the gods. The upper god.

There is no doubt that is the most close to the king of the gods in many gods, so her means most of the king of the gods.

Wings are moving, the huge Shenggui has emerged, and the gap is repaired, this is one of her tasks.

Finally, Uulur said quietly: ”When they divide the winning, no one will leave half a step!”

The gods of the gods exchange, the next moment, almost made the same decision, the same voice: ”Yes!”

As the fanatic believer, these gods did not even have a doubt, because they believe that the command of the king of the gods is the truth, is the absolute authority that is not to oppose!



”Very nice power.” Praising the general saying, indifferent tone is more like ridicule.

At this time, Zhou Ming completely sentenced the two, and the previous calm and desert, looked at the demon king in front of him. If anyone seeing them, it will find that the expression of the two is amazing!

The same is full of violent and murder, and there is no madness and violence of your own breath!

”You ... who is it!?” The demon king took a different unusual taste, although it was not good at thinking, just like the smell of the beast, he can see that Zhou Ming is not a gesture.

Perhaps it is the deep magic light. He is too jealous. It is more likely to look at the junction of God has been completely closed.

Toss ...

As the gray torrents have been expanded from the territory of the genus, Zhou Ming has gradually emerged as a silky texture, as living materials generally gathered to the eyebrow, and finally, a burning paint black pattern appeared in the eyebrow.

This is the combination of and the body of the devil, enough to incine the heavens and the fire!

With the thorough awakening of the non-dead blood, Zhou Ming plays almost always in the best state, strength, defense, speed standing in the absolute God of King!

At this time, it is very unfortunate that Zhou Ming is not in the peak state, breaks down the barriers between the star field, almost comparable to the anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-the power of Zhou Ming.

This way to improve the war is to improve, it is essentially his strength and does not have a complete recovery.

The palm is sophisticated, feeling the violent power in the body, Zhou Ming broods slightly wrinkled, obviously going to the situation that I expected.

”It is enough to use it.”

Looking up, Zhou Ming glanced in the eyes of the violent factor, even some excited, this full battle feeling has not been there for a long time. As a cultivation, Zhou Ming is a lot of hobbies. It is probably the battle.

Challenge the power with all the means!

Throughout his life, before the gods, Zhou Ming experienced countless battles, and Zhou Wei is basically two extremes.

After growing to the god level, it is because of various reasons, it is until it grows to nearly invincible, he has lost his desire.

There is no way to make full strength, even suppress your strength, that is not what he wants, no, then it is not worthy of fighting!