Chapter 138 - Will the Myth Be Shattered? (1/2)

Chapter 138: Will the Myth Be Shattered?

“That’s right!”

“The qi that he emanates is not the usual green… It looks like, for some reason or another, he is able to harness a power similar to that of a Connate level practitioner!”

Su Mo thought of this at once.

This young man has definitely not attained Connate-level strength, but there must still be some reason for this ultimate display of power so similar to that of the finest practitioners.

At the very least, he must have practiced to the point of the Great Consummation of the Qi-Gathering.

However, even so, thinking about how close he was to death just a moment ago and recalling that feeling of desperation, he knew in his heart that he would not dare to raise any negative thoughts against the young man.

No matter what the reason, he would not dare to take a risk at incurring the wrath of this young man, considering he was able to harness this amount of power.

The quick decisiveness with which this young man took to kill the Emperor of Yunyang left a sorely deep impression on Su Mo. This youth was definitely an iron-fisted and compassionless young man!

In fact, he felt that chances were, the young man had some other use for him. Otherwise, he would not have spared his life at all.

“It looks like what this man really has is not simply the ordinary Primal Core essence that I assumed he had,” Su Mo thought.

While Su Mo did ponder about this, he did not dare have any intention of obtaining the Primal Core essence from the young man. This was because he knew that if he were to challenge the youth again, there was no way Zhou Donghuang would spare his life another time.

If he were to put himself in the man’s shoes, he could not possibly show mercy time and time again if someone were to try to offend him repeatedly.

Su Mo was truly afraid.

To this day, it had been over 16 years since he had started practicing at the Qi-Gathering level. If he were to throw this all away today, all that effort would have been for nothing at all.

“A wound-healing elixir that he prepared himself?”

Looking at the little medicine bottle in his hand, a feeling of complete disdain stirred up within Su Mo.

Even if this were to be a wound-healing elixir that was left by the Primal Core practitioners, he did not think that it would compare to his very own concoction, much less a concoction prepared by this young man.

“I’ll have to see for myself how good a concoction his wound-healing elixir is. Even if it were to pale in comparison to mine, I have brought some of my own to use.” As Su Mo thought about this, he took off the seal from the medicine bottle, brought it to his lips and consumed its contents.

After a while, the look of disdain he had in his eyes was all but gone and instead was replaced by a look of complete disbelief and wonder.

“This wound-healing elixir… how can it be so effective… and so strong?

“Can a wound-healing elixir even have this level of efficacy? I had always thought that my own concoction was already the best of its kind. To think that there would be a wound-healing elixir of this quality in the world!”

This time, Su Mo was well and truly astounded.

He never would have thought in a million years that there would be a medicine of this level in existence. In fact, this concoction was so strong, it beat his own wound-healing elixir that he knew to be the best in the world, and it beat it by a long shot!

“In my own knowledge, this grade of elixir can only be formulated by the very best of the Primal Core stage practitioners and refined with the healing elements of the Samadhi fires. I never thought that a wound-healing elixir could in fact be this powerful.”

Su Mo could only think that his own elixir, which he had always carried with him, was rubbish compared to the wound-healing elixir he had just consumed.

Su Mo had to acknowledge that the efficacy of this miracle drug that Zhou Donghuang had given him was indeed very strong.

It only took a moment, and Su Mo struggled to sit up. After that, he was already completely mobile and able to move freely.

Before leaving, Su Mo stood in the courtyard in front of the master bedroom and called out respectfully, “My master, I will await your most honored arrival in the Valley of the Medicine Masters!”


The simple curt response came from within the master bedroom, and Su Mo turned to leave with a pained look on his face.

He completely regretted coming with the Yunyang Emperor, Jiang Tianchen, to provoke a fiend like this, to the point of being forced to call him master.

But he immediately sobered up as he thought of Jiang Tianchen’s dreadful fate.

At least, he was still alive.

Fwoop! Fwoop! Fwoop!

As Su Mo was leaving, he did not go towards the main door. Instead, his body seemed to change in shape. With his qi flowing on the surface, he leaped across the walls, and in the blink of an eye, he was soon far from the enclosure.

As a sense of calm and quiet was restored on the grounds, a few maids who kept their distance outside the courtyard, mustered enough courage to open the main doors.

When they saw the lifeless bodies of the Yunyang Emperor, Jiang Tianchen and the Connate demon, the Silver-Crowned Crane, they were not surprised. In the last few months alone, there had already been similar deaths that had occurred in the same courtyard grounds.

However, when Jiang Tianchen’s body was carried out of the guesthouse, and Chuxiu Inn’s keeper invited Xue Meng, leader of the guards of Chu Royal City, to claim Jiang Tianchen’s body, the look on Xue Meng’s face was hard to describe.

As he looked on, his pupils rapidly constricted. “Don’t let anyone touch him. I will call for His Highness immediately!”

Xue Meng left the innkeeper in a hurry and ran out of the Chuxiu Inn. As he rushed toward the Chu royal household, his heart was pounding rapidly.

“Oh heavens!

“That young man, had the cheek to kill the Emperor of Yunyang?”

Xue Meng had been with the Chu king when he saw the Emperor of Yunyang once. It was only the one time, but it was enough for him to remember what he looked like.

And that young man in the courtyard with the dragon robes was for sure the very same emperor that he had seen before—Jiang Tianchen.