40 Fat! fAt! FaT! (1/2)

After our talk, we went downstairs. Time went by and Toga-san stayed for dinner. She was really happy for some reason. I guess it was the food.

My mom and her talked about some stuff. Also, I made sure mom wouldn't ask something dangerous because Toga-san will probably answer everything including murdering people.

My mom made some delicious looking deserts, but I forbade her from participating in our little feast. She is fat enough. She started sobbing until Toga comforted her.

I didn't really care about her, crying her eyes out to be honest. If it was earlier, when my Gamers mind wasn't as stable as it is now, I would have felt guilty, but now, I only see it as a normal thing and as a concern. I don't want my mom to die from being too fat. I know it sounds bad, but I would rather be bad to her now, than to see her suffer in the future because of diabetes.

Moreover, she already ate desserts earlier when Toga came. As a punishment I made Toga eat all of the desserts so that my mom wouldn't be able to eat any.

This made her sad as well. I am a horrible huma-not. It's ajin now I guess.

At least I suspect it could be called a race. It's only a theory but I liked the sound of it. 'I am not a human... But an Ajin!' yeah that sounds cool. Like a line from a hero movie.

As I was having this inner monologue, my mom silently went towards the fridge again. Does she think I am blind or something?

”MOM!” Izuku shouted.

”Wh-What.. Izuku.. I need to taste the cake at least, please let me.” Inko pleaded.

Izuku thought for a while before replying, ”Fine, okay. Eat all you want.”

Inko's eyes gleamed in excitement, ”Are you really sure?! Thank you Izuku!!” she said that, and immediately took out whole cake from the fridge.

I turned around and went to my room. Toga followed me closely behind with a weird look on her face.

”Izuku? I don't understand. Why did you allow her to eat when you forbade her from eating earlier? I am confused.”

”Don't worry about it, I have a plan, just wait outside for a bit will ya? I need to make a call.” saying that, I closed the door, picked up my phone and dialed a certain number.

”Hello All Might, am I interrupting something?”

”No, I am quite free right now, what do you need young Midoriya? Do you have a problem?”

”No. Well, actually.. Yes. I want to ask you for a favor.”

”Oh sure anything for my pupil. I am listening.”

”So. It's like this...”
