34 Protégé Means Student! (1/2)

Itsuka finally felt like leaving her room, she went downstairs and said goodbye to Izuku.

Before leaving, Izuku and Nemuri exchanged numbers much to the protest of Itsuka

After some hugs, he finally managed to separate from them and left Kendo's household in a hurry.

'I need to leave as fast as possible, or else I will meet Kacchan and things won't end well for me.' Izuku thought.

Speaking of the devil, a blonde haired girl with a deadly glint in her eyes just passed by Izuku, leaving small sparks behind her as she walked.

Luckily, Izuku managed to hide behind a pole and he avoided the bomb princess.

'Chill, All Might told me to be there in 30 minutes, I still have 20. There is plenty of time left' Izuku thought.

He calmly walked through the street when he heard a giant explosion coming from the way he left from.

Izuku looked behind him and saw fireworks exploding in the sky.

'Yeah, on the other hand I should probably hurry.'

Izuku sped up his pace and started sprinting towards the beach.


”Where the hell is Deku?!!” Katsuro shouted while bombarding the sky with her quirk.

”Will you knock it off!? You are too loud!” Midnight shouted in return.

”Like I care cow tits, what the hell are you doing here and how many girls even were in this house?!” Katsuro asked.

The first thing she saw when she arrived was this cow tits monster, her figure was even more mature than it was before.

As for another annoying thing, apparently, Deku already left because that hero wanted to meet earlier. This pissed her off the most, since she walked all the way here just to see him and he didn't even bother to wait.

Katsuro glanced around the room and spotted Itsuka drinking tea.

”Hey! Why didn't you stop him from leaving!?” Katsuro asked.

”I didn't feel like it, besides, he always wanted autographs from heroes and who am I to stop him from his happiness.” Itsuka replied without giving Katsuro a single glance.

Katsuro looked at Itsuka and thought something was wrong, usually, she wouldn't be so weird.

”Oi cow tits! Come here!” Katsuro shouted.

”Stop calling me cow tits you flat ches- ugh.. nevermind.”Midnight noticed that from the last time they have seen each other, her bosom got considerably bigger.

'Guess I can't call her flat chest anymore.. Short fuse it is then..'

”What do you want?” Midnight asked in an unfriendly tone.

”The hell happened to her?! Did you beat her up or something?! Where is her cheery attitude?” Katsuro demanded answers.

Midnight was shocked, 'Did Izuku tell her? No, she saw through her with one look. Seems like she is truly her friend.' Midnight thought.

”Let me tell you what happened..”


”Damn, that's fucked up” Katsuro said.

She thought about her father. What would she feel like. She obviously feels that he is a loser tamed by her old hag, but if something happened to him, she would definitely feel sad.

Katsuro sighed and looked at Itsuka, ”I am sorry for your loss. I didn't know.”

Katsuro apologized much to the surprise of Itsuka, she turned around and wanted to walk away.

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”Where are you going?” asked Itsuka.

”Home, I don't feel like I should be staying here.” Katsuro replied.

Itsuka stood up and walked in front of her to stop her.