28 Cooking Euphoria (1/2)
After showering, Izuku used his own towel to wipe himself and took out fresh clothes from his inventory.
He unlocked the door, and sat down beside Midnight.
Midnight was drinking a beer while sitting cross-legged on the sofa.
Her clothing was very alluring and her antics were even more erotic and uncomfortable for the young Izuku to bear. His heart was beating really fast, and his hands were already sweating. He tried to calm himself down by thinking about All Might. 'His muscles.. Bleh! I don't want to be as buffed as him!'
It didn't take long for him to relax, and he quickly started enjoying the soft feeling of the fluffy sofa.
He looked at Midnight and asked, ”Um.. Midnight-san? I hope that this beer isn't from their fridge.”
Midnight looked at him and replied, ”So what? I've known Lilian for some years already. I am pretty sure she would allow me to take a beer out of her fridge. Besides, what am I supposed to do here if not drinking. This place is boring and I need to stay here till you decide to leave.” she leisurely drank her beer without any care in the world.
”I am really sorry about that..”
”Don't be, it's a job. It's not like it matters.”
Suddenly, Izuku felt his stomach rumble. He quickly figured that his stomach just growled in hunger, desperate for some food.
Midnight noticed it as well and said, ”Looks like you are hungry. I am as well. Let me make something.”
Midnight stood up, opened the fridge and took out some eggs and syrup.
Izuku wanted to stop her, but his stomach protested. He also wanted to see whether she can actually cook something.
'God. This woman is so wild.' Izuku thought.
Midnight grabbed a flower printed apron and got to work.
Izuku was observing her from behind while admiring her skills.
'Gotta hand it to her, she knows what she is doing or rather, most women are good cooks so it's probably only natural.' Izuku thought.
Midnight turned her head to look at Izuku and she caught him ogling her.
”Ara. See something you like?” she smiled while expecting him to turn red like a tomato, but instead of doing that, he just nodded and didn't say anything. This caught her off guard and made her blush instead.
'Why is he so calm?! He was completely bashful in the bathroom!' Midnight thought.
Izuku was never a bold kid. Of course, he would definitely get embarrassed when it comes to women, but this time, he hadn't even thought of looking at her that way, he simply observed her skills, since he himself likes to cook.
Izuku continued to stare at her in a passionate way, making Midnight more and more uncomfortable.
Midnight wasn't able to say anything else throughout the cooking process as she was just too embarrassed to do so.
'Why do I feel embarrassed?! I am the ultimate sadist. The R rater hero Midnight! He is just a brat!'
She tried to compose herself, but the moment their eyes met, she panicked once again and turned around in a hurry.
'Breathe Midnight. It's just a kid.'
After calming herself down once again, she spit out some random sentences.
'So.. Izuku-kun.. Are you glad that Nezu send you the recommendation letter?”
”Of course! For the principal to personally invite me is a great honor!”
Izuku's eyes shined as he replied in joy.
Seeing his reaction, Midnight smiled as well and continued with their little talk.
”So, are you ready for the exams? I've heard you plan on participating in both the recommendation exam and the normal exam. Why is that?” Midnight asked.
Izuku scratched his head and replied, ”Yes, I am really glad for principal's kind gesture, but I want to prove my skills like a normal student as well.”
Midnight nodded and replied, ”That's admirable. But aren't you scared of the tests?”