15 The last day of the school (1/2)

It's finally here. Our last day in this boring school.

Me, Itsu and Kacchan had decided, that we will definitely attend U.A. Hero Academy.

All three of us have written our names on the career paper.

Izuku twirled his pencil in his hand. It was automatic, he found out that it helped him out with his muttering problem.

I still didn't tell anyone about my recommendation letter, but I don't think it really matters since I will still attend normal hero testing.

I will definitely become a hero!

His green eyes drifted to both of his girl friends. The explosion girl, his childhood friend. She really changed.

She was still hostile to everyone, but from the looks of it, she had already accepted Itsuka as her friend. She just doesn't want to admit it.

Her outer appearance had completely changed. Her hair was tied in a long ponytail, and there were no signs of her spiky hair anymore.

She was taller than before, and her breasts were finally big.

Izuku unconsciously looked at the buns and couldn't help but blush.

'No. Don't think about stuff like that..'

He quickly looked away, this time, on Itsuka.

Other than being taller, the energetic girl didn't really change all that much.

I would say that she matured as a person. But I would be lying. She still teases Kacchan, but at least she isn't going that far. She speaks to her moderately.

He stopped twirling his pen and put it back into his bag.

He took out his Hero Journal number 16, and began with his drawing.

He picked on drawing when he was 6 years old. His mother was a professional, and she showed him all kinds of techniques. He already had 15 full Hero journals. All kinds of villains and heroes were drawn in them, with an information mess describing their quirks and weaknesses.

I think that I should create 14 more books after this one to make it to thirty.

Now that I think about it, if villains stole these books from me, all kinds of heroes would get attacked because their enemies would counter them.

I need to be careful. Gotta defend those books with my life.

”Midoriya, I know that you already know everything regarding math, but please, stop with your muttering, it's bothering me and I can't teach properly.”

The voice of his math teacher interrupted him and he promptly apologized.

Damn it, this stupid habit again. Where is my pen?

He started twirling his pen again.

Katsuro had leaned back on her chair and curiously glanced at him. Itsuka did the same and cheerily waved at him.

Izuku smiled at them and tried to listen to the boring lecture.

Seats changed many times, and right now, Izuku was sitting all alone in the back of the classroom near the window, while Katsuro and Itsuka were somehow assigned to sit together on the other side of the room near the door.

After thirty more minutes of enduring this pointless subject, their suffering has finally ended, and they gathered in front of Izuku's table.

”So, how do you feel Izu? Are you ready to make a hole in the world?” asked Itsuka.

”Yep. I am more than ready for the academy. I've been practically preparing my whole life.” replied Izuku.

”How about we go out somewhere to celebrate our survival! It's finally over!” shouted Itsuka.

”Sure. Kacchan, wanna go with us?” asked Izuku.

Katsuro nodded and replied, ”Yeah. We need to enjoy life sometimes.”

The trio left the classroom and went out to enjoy themselves.

”So. What do we do here?” asked Izuku.

They somehow ended up in the mall. The sheer variety of shops in the mall were insane. Tons of people were moving in and out of the mall. Some heroes were patrolling around the area, but it looked like they were quite bored.

I guess no villain would be so stupid to attack such a big crowd of people.

”Well, there are so many shops here, and I want to buy socks and knee socks, so, you are going together with us.” replied Itsuka.