200 < Overcome 1990s (1) > (1/2)
Immediately after the child summoned her, I brought up the story of the Time Dragon, Kronos, without any fuss.
“That damn dragon is real. ”
She was furious when she heard that she had invited us in person shortly after she disappeared.
“Were you respectful? That little prick? That's weird.”
When I talked about the first meeting, I was amazed with the sparkle of my eyes.
And most importantly, when it comes to the death of the dragon,
“· · · · · · Plucked Elder Chronos' heart with your own hands? ”
He seemed furious.
Of course. Time Dragon said she was like a daughter.
In other words, Time Dragon was like his father to him. Who wouldn't be angry if I killed someone like that with my own hands?
“· · · · · · · The reason, of course, is because you needed his heart to treat the sequelae of the Time Reef that you are experiencing. ”
“· · · · · · · Yes. ”
Nevertheless, Yi swallowed up her tears with superhuman patience.
“Yes · · · · · · · · ·. ”
She closes her eyes when she applies.
It seemed to have mind control and it seemed to organize my thoughts.
Maybe both.
“I understand roughly. I also understand that Elder Kronos would have done enough. ”
About a minute later.
She opens her eyes quietly.
Once again, I could not find any grudge against myself in his eyes.
“· · · · · · · No grumbling? ”
I was curious.
Is it possible to see the Silver Man in his own hands and not grumble at all?
“I resent it.”
Ini smiled and replied.
I knew it.
Even if you understand it rationally, you can't understand it emotionally.
The ultimate humiliation, such as being denied the entire life of a dragon.
You can't help but resent me for giving you such a humiliating death.
“beauty · · · · · · · · · ·. ”
It was time to hand over an apology so quietly.
Ennie shut me up.
“Don't apologize. It's not you I'm blaming, it's me. ”
Then he lowered his head as if to speak freely.
“You did the Time Reef. That's why Elder Kronos was dishonorably killed. It's the same thing that happened because I couldn't stop the guy I drank from being right. ”
Keeping my head down, I can't see my eyes. However, her tightly bitten lips seemed to represent her feelings.
“I'm so pathetic. ”
I stared at him dazed. Her hands, which are blocking my mouth, tremble.
“If I had a little more power, Elder Kronos wouldn't have put you at risk like this.” ”
Was she always this sensitive?
The original Enido, the one I met in the past, didn't seem to be in the habit of saying negative things like this.
”Did the subsequent defeat make you feel negatively? ’
Losing is changing people.
“You said you were prepared for seven years, and you helped me this time. I am genuine. ”
It was time to say all sorts of negative things.
Nigga screams a feminine scream she can't even imagine.
“Well, what are you doing! ”
Because I licked his palm with my tongue, which was blocking my mouth.
“Why are you licking your hands all of a sudden! ”
Of course, there was no other intention.
“Get your hands off me. I can't breathe.”
I can't move my limbs right now. I can't speak, and I can't breathe a little bit if she keeps my mouth shut.
“I'm sorry. ”
She lowers her head slightly reddened. Self-inflicted with the fact that he stopped breathing.
I looked at her for a moment and slowly opened my mouth.
“Don't be so negative. Stay with me. ”
What she needs right now is more than comfort.
“I know what Time Dragon Chronos is to you. What if you're so shaken up about it? ”
“ · · · · · ·. ”
She lowers her head even more.
“Does it make sense for you to blame yourself in the first place? How did you kill the Time Dragon? ”
I snorted.
“What are you, the main character in the world? Are you responsible for all your mistakes? Why is it your fault you were born so drunk? ”
Her mental state cannot be said to be well packaged. The time dragon's death is clearly rooted in the negativity in his head as well.
And negative thinking has a high probability of getting things wrong.
We need to get this stupid idea out of the way right now.
“I killed the Time Dragon. Time Dragon has to sacrifice because I've been on the Time Reef. ”
I looked down at Ennie, who was still holding her head down.
“The Time Reef is my doing, and I'm responsible for it, of course. ”
If it's about not stopping the drink, then the Time Dragon's death is not his sole responsibility.
If I hadn't taken the Time Reef, Time Dragon would have quietly returned to Mana's arms.
“If last time you found the cause, Marcin was wrong first. If Marcin hadn't started the war, none of this would have happened. So the enemy who killed the Time Dragon is Marcin. ”
“That's · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”
According to Iny's logic, the first cause of Time Dragon's death was Drinking.
“So don't beat yourself up. Keep thinking about the time. I don't know how we're gonna screw this guy over. How to tap the nose of a drink. Something like that.”
As I saw, I recited the things that Nii would think.
“I don't care if the plan for seven years goes back to bulldozers. We can come up with a better plan from now on. Isn't that right?”
I desperately move my left hand, creaking in pain, placing my hand on her head.
“With Enys of the Underworld, it's possible. Right?”
He said so with a light smile. I don't know if he's smiling because he's in a lot of pain, but he's trying to.
“· · · · · · · Yes. It's possible.”
I feel like I've regained some strength.
She raises her jaw slightly.
“Just wait. Within a week, I will fully analyze the information on this new drink and devise a new operation. ”
“Yes, I look forward to it. ”
“Look forward to it. I'll show you how well dragon road is analyzing. ”
I liked the look on his face when he laughed like that.
“Oh, before that. ”
After returning to his usual appearance, he switched the topic as if he had realized something.
“Didn't Elder Kronos tell you how to use Dragon Heart and Dragon Eye? ”
You didn't tell me the most important thing.
“I was told we could leave a dragon heart and a dragon's eye in one place for a month. Does it literally have to stay in the same space? Or if it requires special treatment. I don't know.”
“You told me to put it in one space for a month · · · · · · ·. ”
She strokes her chin.