67 Naughty (1/2)
Once inside the house, someone yelled ”They're here!” suddenly everyone nearby looked in their direction and started applauding. As they walked deeper into the house, both of them were patted on the shoulder by people congratulating them.
Chang Wook knew most of the people in the room since most of them worked with Ha Eun and he had to make appointments for them, but none of them ever showed much interest in him, and here they all were, patting him on the back.
Ha Eun took her arm away from Chang Wook's and then grabbed his hand.She tightened her grip and smiled at him. She could tell that Chang Wook felt awkward. Suddenly Mr. Oh stood in front of them.
”The guests of honor have finally arrived!” he shouted, ”Fashionably late, might I add.”
”We're not late, everyone else is just early,” Chang Wook said. Mr. Oh laughed, and all the other guests laughed as well. Chang Wook couldn't tell if they were all laughing just because Mr. Oh was or they actually found what he said funny.
”Come along, you both have a lot of people to meet” Mr. Oh told them. For a while the couple greeted guests, all of them would congratulate the couple on their marriage and even throw in a joke about not receiving the wedding invitation, and it must have gotten lost in the mail.
Then they would look directly and Chang Wook and ask him questions on the country's economy, politics, the future of Oh Group and any ideas he could give them on making their own company better. It wasn't like Chang Wook wasn't expecting this; he worked for Ha Eun for so many years that he knew a lot about the people that were at the party. Such as what their company specialized in and what they were doing wrong.
They were all surprised by Chang Wook and how confident he was with his answers. Ha Eun was just as surprised like them. She thought she had to talk for Chang Wook for most of the night, but she was impressed by how much he knew.
When the people left to go and mingle with others Chang Wook looked down at Ha Eun with a grin ”I find you ten times more attractive right now” she said. Chang Wook was surprised by her honesty.
She looked down a bit embarrassed. She just blurted out what she was thinking.
Chang Wook grabbed Ha Eun's hand and took her to the back of the house. There was a pool, and to his surprise, the backyard was so big it had a built-in hedge maze. For a moment, he was stunned, but he remembered why he took her outside. He saw a few people around; then he saw a good hiding spot behind a tree.
”Where are we going?” Ha Eun asked him.
Chang Wook pushed her against the tree, placed both his hands against the tree, and quickly placed his lips against hers. Ha Eun was surprised by his sudden action, but she didn't push him away. The kiss became more passionate as their tongues intertwined. Ha Eun wrapped her arms around his neck and Chang Wook lowered his hands to her waist.
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The mood suddenly shifted as the kiss became deeper and their breathing became quicker. Chang Wook pulled Ha Eun towards him pulling her right leg up and placing his knee between her thighs.
Chang Wook quickly started kissing her neck, and Ha Eun let out a moan. That's when she snapped out of what was happening and hit Chang Wook on the head.
”What are you doing?!” she yelled in a whisper ”We're in public!”