63 Nobody (1/2)

If We Got Married Sweetpeas 29950K 2022-07-21

Hong Joo hit her head against her desk. She felt she made a fool of herself in front of him. She wasn't even wearing make-up today ”How is it that the days I don't care for my appearance are when I meet attractive and important people?” she asked herself.

As the day came to a close, Hong Joo made her way to the bus stop. While waiting for the bus, she sat down, yawned and slouched. She took out her phone and started to scroll through her social media. She looked up for a second and noticed none other than Ji Seok, waving at her from the backseat of a black car.

He grinned at her. Hong Joo wanted the planet to swallow her whole. She had to meet him twice in one day. And both times she didn't make a good impression!

She tried to hide her face with her hair and waved at him. She noticed how his expression changed and started to point somewhere. She wasn't understanding. He quickly looked towards the driver and got out of the car.

Hong Joo was quickly taken aback by Ji Seok's swift action. What was he planning on doing?

Hong Joo then felt a tug on her bag. She looked to her right and saw a man in a dark hoodie holding onto her purse. He quickly pushed Hong Joo, which sent her stumbling to the ground, and he ran off with her bag.

”Hey!” Hong Joo yelled. Ji Seok ran past her, following the man. She then realized why he was giving her such an expression and ran out of the car. He noticed and tried to tell her that she was going to get robbed.

She didn't want to stand there, so she ran after them.

Ji Seok was catching up to the man, but he wasn't much of an athletic guy. He was already getting tired but having to go back to Hong Joo empty-handed made him feel like a loser.

”Why am I even running after this guy?” he asked himself. He could have done nothing and waited in the car for the light to turn green, or maybe leave the car and ask her if she was okay, tell her to go to the police and cancel her credit card, he just wanted to be kind, yet he did something this stupid.

”Jeez, and my foot still hurts” he said ”I swear to God, if this girl doesn't offer to buy me a drink after this I will flip a table” He yelled to the robber to stop running, but that didn't work at all.

Suddenly he noticed Hong Joo run right past him. She jumped in the air and managed to kick the guy in the back which sent him flying forward.

She took her purse from the slightly unconscious robber.

Ji Seok was taken aback by her actions. Hong Joo looked over to Ji Seok, placed a strand of her hair over her ear, and slowly walked over to him ”Thanks for the help” she told him, but that just made Ji Seok feel bad since he didn't actually do anything.

”I'll call the police” he said, feeling a bit awkward.

The two of them and the robber went to the police station and gave their statements. By the time they were done, it was already dark.

Hong Joo felt terrible since she kept such an important person busy. She was sure that this incident would hit the news since he's famous. She didn't mean to cause trouble to the Oh family.

Once outside Hong Joo wanted to apologize to Ji Seok, since they didn't manage to talk much with each other.

Before Hong Joo could say anything, Ji Seok blurted out ”What the hell was that?!” Ji Seok yelled, which made Hong Joo jump. What was he referring to?

”Um…what?” Hong Joo asked.

”Are you some sort of ninja? You sent that guy flying, like a kung-fu movie. You were awesome!” he said.

Hong Joo wanted to correct him that ninjas have nothing to do with kung-fu, but it didn't seem like the right atmosphere to correct him. She then realized that he was complimenting her, which surprised her. Usually, guys feel intimidated by her when they find out she can fight, but Ji Seok was impressed with her.

Hong Joo didn't know what to say, so she just thanked him. Since it was already dark, she decided to say goodbye and make her way home, but Ji Seok stopped her.