60 Why are you so sweaty? (1/2)
Ha Eun was playing one of Chang Wook's video games, and she was about to finish one of the side quests, which she has been trying to pass for the past 2 hours when she suddenly got a call. She paused it and was surprised to hear that it was the police and that her husband was in their custody for starting a fight in a public restaurant bar.
Ha Eun got up and noticed that she was still in her work clothes, but she didn't think twice about changing. She took her keys and rushed out the door.
Once at the police station, she saw Chang Wook with a bag of ice over his face, a black eye and hints of dried blood on his lips.
She noticed also noticed a guy sitting next to him. He looked as badly beaten up as Chang Wook, maybe even worse. He was talking to the officer and pointed at Chang Wook various times, obviously shifting a lot of blame onto him. She rushed to Chang Wook's side.
Chang Wook noticed the worried expression on her face. Seeing her, he turned to look at his drunken classmate who was now looking at Ha Eun in shock. He thought she was much more beautiful than the pictures and TV led on to believe. Chang Wook got mad once again thinking about how he belittled her in the restaurant but here he looked at her in admiration.
The officer told Ha Eun that they just needed to settle and the two would be free to go. Since Chang Wook was the one that threw the first punch he'd need to apologize and pay for any medical expenses the victim needed.
Ha Eun walked over to the victim and wrote him a check of 10 million won ”I'm not the apologizing type and neither is my husband” Ha Eun told him ”So, will this be enough of an apology for you?” she asked him. The officer was shocked by the amount she gave him.
”In return, never talk to Chang Wook again” Ha Eun said with a demanding and cold tone that would make a grown man cry.
Chang Wook's drunk classmate suddenly seemed sober and with a scared expression, nodded. She then looked at the officer who seemed frightened as well ”Is that okay with you?” she asked him. The officer nodded.
She took Chang Wook by the wrist and the two left the police station.
On the drive home, Chang Wook didn't know what to say to her. The ride was silent but Ha Eun quickly broke it ”A fight?!” she yelled ”You're a grown man, what the hell were you thinking?!”
Chang Wook looked over at her saddened. He wondered how many people must think badly of her. Ha Eun noticed his saddened expression from the corner of her eye. She thought she may have gone too far with the yelling so she decided to stop.
Once they arrived home Ha Eun told Chang Wook to put some medicine on. She decided to go upstairs but Chang Wook held onto her wrist. Ha Eun turned to look at him. He just stared at her.
”Chang Wook?” Ha Eun asked. She was about to say something else when suddenly Chang Wook took a step forward towards her and leaned in closer. Ha Eun could feel his warm breath on her. He stayed a moment like that as he tried to determine if he was allowed to go further.
He placed his hand on her cheek and passed his thumb over her slightly parted lips. Ha Eun couldn't help but want his lips on hers. Chang Wook wanted to kiss her but he knows he has to go slow, so he slowly pressed his lips against her neck. The touch of his lips against her neck sent shivers all over her body.
Chang Wook moved his head up to Ha Eun and pressed her against the wall and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Ha Eun widened her eyes as she felt his tongue intertwine with her own.
After a moment, the two separated out of breath. Ha Eun tried to get ahold of her senses ”Are you insane?!” she yelled to herself, but before she could say anything, Chang Wook grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into another kiss.
This kiss was so demanding compared to the one before, and it made her head spin.