50 Her Story: Part II (1/2)

If We Got Married Sweetpeas 29240K 2022-07-21

”I'd like to ask you guys the same question” Bong Soo said. They laughed and she went to the bar to get a drink.

”I could go to jail giving drinks to a minor” the bartender said.

”You can always say I stole it” she answered.

Throughout the day they all talked, drank, played video games and also pool. After a while, things got serious. They all talked about their family issues and how they wanted to leave this town.

”What about you Bong? How are things with you and Ha Eun?” the bartender asked.

”We're good. That old man keeps taking his anger out of me, but it's better than him taking it out on Ha Eun” Bong Soo said. She always worried about Ha Eun. Although they weren't real sisters, she loved her like one. Ha Eun always called that couple their parents, even when they had done nothing to be called that.

The woman ignored them, she got angry whenever they asked for food, so they had to cook for themselves. The woman also worried more about herself than the girls when it came to that man. He was always drunk. He took out his frustration on her but now, he takes it out on the girls more often.

Bong Soo and Ha Eun got hit but once he punched her so hard she got a black eye and he threw her against the wall which left a huge bruise on her back.

The man didn't let Ha Eun leave the house until her eye was fully healed. Those days Bong Soo would treat Ha Eun's back with a cold compress and putting ointment around her eye. After that, she went to school diligently so she could give Ha Eun their homework.

”Why don't you just leave?” one of the guys asked Bong Soo ”Just take some of their money, steal some jewelry and pack your bags”

”Trust me, I've tried, but I can't leave Ha Eun” Bong Soo said.

”Well, take her with you” the guy said.

When Bong Soo looked at the clock she noticed school was over and Ha Eun might already be at home. If that man is at home, he'll most likely hit Ha Eun for not being with her.

”Have to go. See you guys later” she said and waved goodbye.

Outside the house, she noticed from the window, the man was yelling at Ha Eun. She knew a beating was coming.

Bong Soo ran into the house and saw the man about to slap Ha Eun ”Don't touch her!” she yelled at the man.

”Oh. Look who's here. I was just asking Ha Eun where you were. The school called and told me that you not only did you skip school. You also got in another fight. Do you know how embarrassed I was?!” the man yelled at Bong Soo.

He rushed towards her and slapped her. Bong Soo noticed the woman looking at the TV while the man was yelling at them. Bong Soo has given up on asking for help from that woman. It was quite obvious by her reaction to what was happening to them that she had no interest in protecting them.

”What do I have to do to get you to behave?” the man asked her. Bong Soo didn't answer. He smiled and pointed at Ha Eun ”I know”

Bong Soo worried as he walked slowly towards Ha Eun. He punched Ha Eun so hard in the stomach that she fell to the ground, gasping for air and then coughing.

”Every time you misbehave. Ha Eun will get your punishment” he said, then he walked to the kitchen to most likely get another beer.

Bong Soo hurried to Ha Eun's side. She helped her up and they went to their bedroom. She laid Ha Eun on her bed. Ha Eun on the other hand, rather than be sad or angry. She looked at Bong Soo expressionless and grinned at her. Ha Eun was also good a putting up a front, acting indifferent when she was really sad, and also when she was happy. If that old man saw them happy, he'd get even angrier with them.

”Ha Eun” Bong Soo said ”Let's get out of here. Let's steal all their stuff and run as far away as we can” she smiled at Ha Eun picturing how easy it would be to run away ”We could go to Jeju Island. It so far away and if they look for us they won't look over there. They won't think two 12 year old's are capable of running so far”