4 Donst do it Seo Ah (1/2)
Ha Eun sighs in annoyance ”When will this guy croak already?”
”Excuse me?” Chang Wook asked her. He didn't really catch what she said. Ha Eun gets up from her seat and tells him to follow her because they have to talk to Seo Ah, the President of OG Group, for all her good work.
They go outside but before he follows her, he writes on his computer ”The witch is on her broom.” Everyone formed a group chat just to warn each other when the boss was coming. They walk down Yong Chul's cubicle who seemed to be coming back from somewhere because he was standing. Ha Eun noticed how he had a huge coffee stain on his white shirt, and she scoffed.
”Hey, about that coffee” she says to Chang Wook. He gets closer to listen attentively ”You really are pathetic” she says.
”I know” he answers.
When they arrive to Seo Ah's office, she greets them with a warm smile but Ha Eun knows she doesn't mean it. One thing she learned from when she was a child is how to read people and Seo Ah is as fake as they come.
”Seo Ah, good morning” Ha Eun says with a smile.
”Ah, our fearless master and her apprentice. What brings you here this morning?” she asks. Seo Ah knows very well that Ha Eun doesn't like her, and she understand why, very well, she's tried to steal her position for many years now, but Seo Ah thinks it isn't without cause. She sees Ha Eun as a person that is destroying the company and that the board need someone who will work for this company and has a husband that supports her so there will be no rumors of her jumping around with men…
That just gave her an idea.
”I'm here to discuss an important matter with you” Ha Eun told her. Seo Ah nods ”I called Will and he agreed to star in the drama ”The Crown's Destiny” as well as sign with us”
”That's impossible, Will hasn't starred in a drama in years” Seo Ah was surprised, and she had to give Ha Eun credit, she did what many other companies couldn't do.
”You never called him, did you?” Ha Eun asked her. Seo Ah felt a bit cornered by Ha Eun's question. Her cold stare was frightening but Seo Ah refused to look away or cower ”I specifically asked you over a dozen times to contact him and get him to sign with us and do the drama, but you didn't listen”
Chang Wook looked at their exchange of words, he wondered where this conversation was going.
”This is hard for me to say but Seo Ah, I'm letting you go” Ha Eun said. Chang Wook and Seo Ah were shocked by her words. He's seen her fire people before, but he never thought she'd fire the President, such a capable woman and she fired her just like that.
”You have 30 days to find a new job and pack up all of your things. On your last day you can say you resigned” Ha Eun said.
”Oh no, stop spreading gasoline on the fire” Chang Wook wanted to tell Ha Eun.