Chapter 139 - Coming to Terms With Each Other (1/2)
(A.N.: Hello there my dear readers. It has a been a while. I know that I haven't made a new chapter in a while and I want to apologize for the sudden stop. I have not dropped this fanfic or my other. Lately, I was very busy with the renovations of my house and coupled with work, I didn't feel like writing anymore chapters. It was only two days ago that the renovations are finally done and that I had the time and energy to sit down and write a new chapter. But seeing as how it has been a while, the creative juices didn't flow so good anymore, so I was kinda struggling on this chapter. But I will continue writing this fanfic and my other fanfic, so that will only mean that I will write the next chapters faster and faster. Until then, and enjoy this chapter)
Mesa, still thoroughly surprised and frozen with shock, looks on at Jasmine as she kisses him. When she broke the kiss, her face was as red as her hair and she didn't dare look him in the face anymore. In fact, she used the Star God Broken Shadow technique and ran away. Mesa was out of it, that he didn't even notice her bailing on him. He only noticed her being gone, when he heard the door slam shut loudly. Apparently, she ran back to her room.
”Well that… happened.” Still in shock, Mesa didn't know what else to say.
”Hmphh!” He heard off to the side. Looking to his right, he sees Ophis looking at him with an angry pout.
”Ophis…? Is everything alright?”
And all he got for an answer, was another 'Hmphh!' and her angrily turning away from him. And he now, he knew exactly why Ophis was acting like this.
Sitting next to her, he puts his arm around her and pulls her in for a hug: ”Hey there. Uhmm… I… uhh… wanted to tell you…”
But before he could even finish what he wanted to say, Ophis turned to him and directly said: ”I want one too.”
”You what now?”
”I said. I want one too. If big sis Jasmine gets a kiss, then I want one too.” Said Ophis very directly.
”But that wasn't me! You saw that she did it herself…” Tried to explain Mesa, but to no avail. As much as he wanted to explain, Ophis wouldn't listen and kept looking at him angrily and demanding that she get a kiss too.
In the end, he relented. He knew that Ophis wouldn't budge on this, no matter how much he tried to explain to her that Jasmine was the one who kissed 'him'. And so, he gave her a kiss on the cheek.
”I want a kiss just like big sis got. I want one too.” But Ophis was still not happy and demanded that Mesa kiss her on the mouth.
”No, no, no, no. Not like that Ophis, I am sorry. I just… can't! Not like that. Not when you look like this! I am really sorry, but I just can't. You're like a little sister to me. And if I gave you a kiss on the mouth, I would feel like a monster taking advantage of you. I am really sorry! I just can't do that!” Vehemently denied Mesa.
In response to that, Ophis began shining with a light and her whole body changed. Once the light died down, she was no longer the little girl, but took on her a.d.u.l.t form.
”Now I am not a little girl anymore. I want a kiss too.”
Seeing this happen in front of him, even though Mesa knew that Ophis was a perfect shape shifter, he was still confused. Even though she didn't look like a little girl anymore, deep down, he knew she was still the naïve little girl he met all those years ago in the Phoenix Trial and who he cared for so much and loved a lot. Seeing that he still wouldn't do it, Ophis did just like she saw Jasmine do and grabbed on to his face and gave him a kiss on the mouth herself.
Once that was done, she let go and walked away, leaving Mesa there, confused and unable to think. As for Ophis, she went to her room, where Jasmine was. Opening the door, she saw Jasmine sitting on the bed, curled up in a blanket.
Hearing the door open up, Jasmine, without looking who it was, said: ”Go away.”
”Big sis, it's me.” Said Ophis, sitting down next to Jasmine on the bed.
Knowing its Ophis, Jasmine put away the covers and once she saw Ophis, she was shocked at how she looked: ”What the?! Ophis! Is that you? What happened? How are you so big?”
”Yes. It's me. I can shapeshift. Just like this.” Said Ophis and showed off her shapeshifting power to Jasmine and turned back into the little girl, who was very surprised at seeing her do this.
Sitting down, Ophis looks at Jasmine with an angry pout and says in her usual emotionless tone: ”Big sis. You're mean.”
”Mean? What the? Where did this suddenly come from?” Asked Jasmine, who obviously, was very confused at Ophis sudden remark.
”Because you kissed Mesa first without telling me.” Straight up said Ophis, no holds barred.
Clearly overwhelmed and confused, Jasmine just blurted out the first thing came up: ”Uhhh…. I'm sorry…? I promise to… tell you next time?”
And Ophis, in all her adorableness, nodded satisfyingly and forced Jasmine into making a pinky swear with her that she would tell her next time beforehand, if she were to kiss Mesa.
After that was all done, Ophis jumped off the bed and walked out of the room. Apparently she was hungry, as usual, and asked Jasmine if she wanted something to eat.
”No thank you. I am not hungry.”