Chapter 135 - Tying Up A Loose End (1/2)
After he gotten his latest quest, Mesa once again concentrated on the Frozen End Divine Arts/ Ice Phoenix Investiture Canon that was inscribed on the wall. Pretty soon, he was going through the beginning stages of it. But before long he abandoned it completely. Since his True Ice Arts was superior to the Ice Phoenix Investiture Canon in the long run, he decided to abandon it completely.
While he was contemplating his next move, he suddenly shot up to his feet with a 'oh shit!' expression on his face: ”Shit! I completely forgot to give those two some food!”
And then, his eyes turned into Obito's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingans, and warping himself away, he went into his Kamui pocket dimension.
Let us turn the clock back to 4 days ago.
After Mesa had freed Yun Canghai and Yun Che from the seal under the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa, he stored them inside the Kamui dimension. After they were warped into it, both of them were absolutely astonished at seeing Mesa's pocket dimension.
'Wow. Amazing. There is so much Profound Energy in the atmosphere in this place. I have never seen a place with such dense Profound Energy saturating throughout the air itself. Not even the Profound Rooms of my Yun Family and those of the Illusory Demon Royal Family have such rich and dense Profound Energy in it.' Was Yun Canghai's first thought upon entering the Kamui dimension.
But this astonishment was soon quashed as Yun Che fell to his knees due to having great difficulty breathing
”Che'er!” Yelled out Yun Canghai seeing his grandson on his knees gasping and wheezing. ”I know it hurts, but you must calm your breathing and calm your mind. Listen to me and calm down and expel all of the Profound Energy from this place out of your Profound Veins.”
Listening to his grandfather, Yun Che calms his mind and breathing and focusses on expelling from his Profound Veins. At first, it was very difficult on account of all of the Profound Energy rushing into his Profound. But after a while and with great, he finally managed to get it done. But in order to make sure that the Profound Energy didn't rush back in, he had to keep focusing on keeping out the Profound Energy as possible.
After a while, Yun Che had managed to expel all of the Profound Energy that was trying to rush in, without the need of completely focusing on it. And all of this under the watchful eye of Yun Canghai: ”So Che'er, I see you have managed to do as I told you. Now listen to what I have to say and listen carefully.”
With Yun Che's undivided attention on him, Yun Canghai went on to explain: ”As you have noticed as well, he atmosphere in this place is super saturated with Profound Energy. But because of your low level of strength and Profound Energy in your Profound Veins, the Profound Energy around us is rushing into your body and in particular, it is rushing into your Profound Veins. And it is that what's has caused you a lot of pain earlier.”
”Yes grandfather. I had felt it. It was like my Profound Veins were being inflated with air to the point that they were about to burst. If you didn't tell me to expel all of the Profound Energy. But grandfather, how are you not feeling the Profound Energy rushing into you?”
”Who said I am not feeling it. At this very moment, the Profound Energy is trying to rush into my Profound Veins as well. It is just that I knew what would happen to me the moment we were transported here and I immediately blocked of my Profound Veins.” Said Yun Canghai much to Yun Che's amazement.
”But us being here has now provided us with a once in a million-year opportunity. From now on until the moment we are to leave this place, we must cultivate as much as possible. The air around here is so dense with Profound Energy, that we can get stronger at an unimaginably quick pace, that even those of Four Sacred Grounds will seem slow by comparison.” Said Yun Canghai to the mammoth sized shock of Yun Che. For a very long time he, and everyone else of the Profound Sky Continent, had believed that the Four Sacred Grounds were at the top. They had the best treasures available, the best resources at hand in order cultivate. They were the ones at the top and anyone else was incomparable to them. But now he was being told that this space will allow him to become stronger at a pace that those of the Four Sacred could only dream of. It made him both very happy and mad at the same time and in equal measures. Happy that he could share time with his grandfather and become stronger with him. And mad, because once again, Mesa Uchiha was at the center of it all and he still hated him for everything he had done to him. But he knew that he would've never found his grandfather and share so much time with him if it wasn't for Mesa. So setting aside his pride, he obeyed his grandfather and did as he said.
And so, for the next four days, without any sleep, or food, or water or rest, Yun Che kept all of his focus on cultivating safely and making sure that his body was not overwhelmed and subsequently injured by the overabundance of Profound Energy. Doing all of this, he had managed to increase his cultivation from level 2 Nascent Profound Realm to level 4 Nascent Profound Realm.
Yun Canghai himself didn't stay idle as well. He too took advantage of this rare opportunity and he too focused on cultivating. With his original cultivation level of level 8 Sovereign Profound Realm haven been suppressed for such a long time by the Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation, it had been degraded to such an extent that he is now at half-step Sovereign Profound Realm. But with his many years of experience and cultivation, he was able to more easily cultivate in this space where the atmosphere is super saturated with Profound Energy. And with it, he managed to once again break into the Sovereign Profound Realm after four days of continuous cultivation.
After four days, Mesa warped into the Kamui dimension. First thing he noticed was…
'Huh?! Why is this place not completely dark?! And where are all of the blocks?!'
Yes, indeed. This Kamui dimension was not like Obito's. This one was an endless stretch of grasslands with a clear sky. But instead of a blue sky, this one had a purple tint to it. Thoroughly confused by all of it and expecting to enter a Kamui dimension that looked exactly like Obito's, Mesa exits and takes out an apple and warps it into Kamui. Warping himself into it, he sees the apple lying on the ground.
'So. This really is my Kamui dimension.' Thought Mesa looking around before shrugging his shoulders: 'Meh. Honestly, this version is better looking than the original. Far less depressing and nyctophobic if you ask me.'