Chapter 80 - Tournament - Round of 32 - Day 3 - Part 3 (1/2)

”Alright Ddraig, it is time for your debut. Let's do this according to plan, ok?” Said Mesa.

”Yes, I am ready partner.” Said Ddraig.

Arriving at the arena, he could see Fen Juebi standing there. He was on guard and ready to fight Mesa. But Mesa on the other hand, came to the arena while talking… to his left hand. Granted, it had been donned with the Boosted Gear, but people were looking at him, thinking that he had a screw loose or something.

”So Ddraig, how long would it take for us to achieve Balance Breaker.” Said Mesa to the Boosted Gear while he was on the arena, before the match started. Everyone was looking at him, thinking he lost his mind or something. Calling his left hand Ddraig and asking for something called a 'Balance Breaker'. Chu Yuechan, Chu Yueli, Xia Qingyue, Cang Yue, Ling Yun and everyone else were very confused with Mesa's behavior.

Leaning over to whisper into Chu Yuechan's ear, Chu Yueli said: ”Sister, why is he talking to his hand like that? And do you know what thing on his hand is?”

”No, I have no idea why he is talking to his hand like that or what that thing is. But it does look a lot like that red dragon like armor he had on when he came in. Maybe it has something to do with that.” Whispered Chu Yuechan into Chu Yueli's ear. Unbeknownst to them, Xia Qingyue picked up on their conversation and started wondering what was going on.

'What is he doing? Did he suddenly lose his mind or something?' Wondered Cang Yue and everyone else who were watching him.

”Contestant Mesa Uchiha, are you ready? I will begin this match right now.” Said Elder Ling Wugou, who wasn't in the mood to wait for Mesa to finish, whatever he was doing.

”Not right now! I am having a conversation with my partner right now. Can you hold on for a second?” Said Mesa while emphasizing his partner to be his left hand.

This reaction of his brought one question to everyone's minds: 'What the hell is this guy talking about?'

But to their greatest surprise, they heard a voice coming out of Mesa's left hand: ”Ahh yes, the Balance Breaker. It is going to take you 5 minutes before you can activate it. But in the meantime, while the Boosted Gear is gathering the necessary power to achieve Balance Breaker, you can't use any other power. If you get hit, the process will be interrupted and you will have to start all over again.”

Completely stunned by that mighty voice coming out of Mesa's left hand that had the Boosted Gear on, everyone didn't know what was going on. But Mesa himself acted like it was the most normal thing in the world.

”Understood Ddraig.” Said Mesa before he turned to Fen Juebi.

”Well, you've heard the dragon. It is going to take me 5 minutes to activate the Balance Breaker and in the meantime I can't use any of my powers or get hit. So how about this, I will give you those 5 minutes to hit me just once. If you manage to do that I will give up. But just in case you're thinking that I will cheat, don't worry. Once you hit me, the timer on the Boosted Gear will reset and that way you'll know you've hit me. So what do you say. Are you interested?” Said Mesa to Fen Juebi who looked very conflicted on the matter. On the one hand he wanted to do as his brother told him and not take a deal with Mesa. But on the other hand, the offer Mesa gave him sounded incredibly tempting.

”What will happen once that 5 minutes are over then. Are you going to kill me just like you did Mu Xiongyan!” Said Fen Juebi.

”Nope! I will not kill you or injure you at all. But you best make sure that you hit me within 5 minutes. Cause if you don't, you'll lose.” Said Mesa, infuriating Fen Juebi.

”Fine than! I will take you up on your offer!” Said Fen Juebi angrily. Meanwhile back at the Burning Heaven Clan seating area, Fen Juecheng was angry at Fen Juebi for falling for Mesa's taunt and taking the deal, that he explicitly told him not to take.

”Alright, than it's a deal. But just to make it easier for you, I will put this thing on.” Said Mesa as he put on a blindfold.

”Alright Ddraig, once the match starts, start the countdown.”

Chu Yuechan groaned once she saw the blindfold. Chu Yueli got curious and asked her why she suddenly groaned.

”Because of that blindfold he just put on, I know exactly why he did it. He has this battle sense as he like to call it and putting on that blindfold helps him train it. He did it a few times when we stayed in our cabin and it was annoying. Every time he put on the blindfold he would dodge every attack I threw at him. He would then come up to me to poke me and say 'missed me, try again', over and over again. It was absolutely infuriating.” Said Chu Yuechan in an exasperated tone.

”MATCH START!” Bellowed out Ling Wugou.

With the start of the match, the timer on the Boosted Gear had started and Fen Juebi launched himself forward to Mesa, who just casually dodged him. Taking out his sword, the Demon Flame blade – a Sky Profound weapon, he starts slashing and thrusting it at Mesa, who still casually dodges every attack of his. Pretty soon, Fen Juebi's body erupted with scarlet flames that was all then concentrated on his sword. Thrusting out his sword towards Mesa, a huge flaming, super high temperature tornado followed suit and exploded when it 'hit' Mesa. When the dust had dissipated, there was nothing left there.