Chapter 66 - The Day Before the Tournament (1/2)
(This chapter may not be to everyones liking. If so than than you can tell me in a civilized manner. And not by sending me 100 messages every minute telling me that I am a shit author.)
With everyone looking at him with eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets, Mesa in his Scale Mail armor and dragon wings, just calmly walks over to Cang Yue and her group. Along the way, his Scale Mail armor and dragon wings disappear and with it, that oppressive aura of domination. And along the way, he gives a quick look in the direction of the Frozen Cloud Asgard group and in particular to Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue and gives them a small smile. Under her veil, Chu Yuechan was blushing like crazy, though it wasn't visible when you'd look at her.
'That guy, always making a show of everything. You had better come to my room tonight.' Thought Chu Yuechan to herself with a sly grin on her face that was hidden from the world.
As he was closing on in on the Blue Wind Imperial Family group, Cang Yue was trying not to look directly at him and blushing like a little schoolgirl. A fact that Fen Juecheng was quick to notice and getting angry over.
'That f.u.c.k.i.n.g bastard! So it is true, Cang Yue does have some feelings for this filthy dog! I don't care who you are! Nobody gets between me and MY WOMAN!' Thought Fen Juecheng to himself, whilst silently seething in rage at Mesa.
After Mesa joined the Blue Wind Imperial Family group, he looks around at the competition. After his eyes fall on the Burning Heaven Clan group, his gaze stops at one particular individual and he frowns at who this individual looks like.
'SHINJI F.U.C.K.I.N.G MATOU! That is Shinji Matou from Fate/Stay Night! If memory serves me right, Qianye Ying'er looked like Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill. And looking at the attire of that group, it must be the Burning Heaven Clan and that Shinji look alike motherf.u.c.ker must be Fen Juecheng. I just met him for 5 seconds and I already hate his f.u.c.k.i.n.g guts. Now I honestly can't wait for this arrogant prick to come at me. It'll be amazing to see the face of that arrogant piece of shit contort in fear when he realizes he f.u.c.k.i.e.d up big time.' Thought Mesa to himself in gleeful anticipation to their inevitable clash.
Deciding to f.u.c.k with him for a bit, Mesa looks over to Fen Juecheng and sees him glaring at him with anger in his eyes. Flaring up his Sharingans, he quickly puts Fen Juecheng under a genjutsu. In this genjutsu, Mesa stands right next to Cang Yue in an intimate way and starts rubbing her ass, out in the open for everyone to see. Fen Juecheng, who sees this, immediately explodes in rage. But to his shock, he finds out that his body just wouldn't listen to him. No matter how hard he tried to move his body, it just wouldn't move. Mesa moved his face to be right next Cang Yue's face and whispered into her ear. But somehow, Fen Juecheng managed to pick up what he said to her and this really put him over the edge: ”It's been seven months since I last saw your beautiful n.a.k.e.d body. Let's go to our residence, I can't wait to f.u.c.k you like I did back in your room.”
Fen Juecheng, his rage exploded, he wanted to go up and kill that Mesa guy. But no matter what he did, his body just wouldn't move and he was forced to watch them leave, all the while this Mesa guy was rubbing Cang Yue's ass like he owned it. In the middle of his struggles, he suddenly felt his body being shaken and suddenly 'woke up'. Everything that he saw disappeared, as the Blue Wind Imperial Family group did walk away, but Mesa and Cang Yue were separated by Qin Wushang, who stood right next Cang Yue instead of Mesa. Completely confused at what is happening, Fen Juecheng looks around and sees that everything is right back to how it was. The Heavenly Sword Villa master and his wife personally receiving the guests, The Xiao Sect group standing there off in the distance and walking away, the Frozen Cloud Asgard group also walking away. Only the Burning Heaven Clan group remained where they were.
”Hey, elder brother. Are you okay? You look a bit pale.” Asked Fen Juebi, Fen Juecheng younger brother, with a concerned look on his face.
”Did you not see that?! That filthy Mesa Uchiha dog was just rubbing my Princess Cang Yue's ass and telling her he would f.u.c.k her tonight!!” Said Fen Juecheng in seething rage, much to the confusion of his brother.
”What are you talking about brother? You were just standing here and watching at the Blue Wind Imperial Family group like a statue. I thought you were just looking at your future wife and left you alone, until I felt your Profound Energy going haywire, while you were still standing and your face had contorted into one of rage. So I shook you to ask you what happened.” Said Fen Juebi, to Fen Juecheng even greater confusion.
”That can't be! I saw it! He was rubbing her ass, right there! While I was looking at her! He did that to provoke me!” Said Fen Jeucheng.
”Sorry brother. But that didn't happen. I watched that Mesa guy as well and after he met up with the Blue Wind Imperial Family group, he greeted them all and they left for their pavilion. The whole time he wasn't even next to Princess Cang Yue. And if he did that, then I would have killed him myself, right then and there! I don't care who he is, even if he made such a grand entrance. Nobody will get in between my brother and his future wife! Nobody!” Said Fen Juebi in a firm voice.
'What is happening here?! I saw him rub her ass with my own two eyes! Why didn't anyone see anything?! What is going on?!' Thought Fen Juecheng, whose mind was in total chaos until he heard Fen Juebi's voice.
”Brother, let us go to our pavilion that the Mighty Heavenly Sword Villa assigned to us and get some sleep. Maybe you're just tired of the trip and need some rest.” Said Fen Juebi in a concerned voice.
”Yeah… yeah. Maybe you're right and I just need some rest. Let's go.” Said Fen Juecheng in a tired voice.
Off with the Blue Wind Imperial Family group, Mesa was smirking with a malicious grin on his face and thinking to himself: 'I sure hope you liked that show Fen Juecheng. Cause it is happening tonight, whether you want it or not.'
Mesa and the Blue Wind Imperial Family group were quickly directed to their pre-arranged residence. And, as the standard for a temporary residence, it was greatly beyond Xia Yuanba's expectations.
Because, this was not just a simple guestroom, but evidently, an exquisite small courtyard... no, a big courtyard! There were eight separate rooms in the courtyard, and within it were trees, a pavilion, a pond, and even a weapon rack filled with dozen different types of weapons.