Chapter 53 - Looking for the Dragon God Trial (1/2)
Previous evening, outside the Blue Wind Imperial City.
The shadow clone that Mesa had sent away on a mission teleported to the same where he and Cang Yue went on their date. From there he went south and headed south, straight for the Wasteland of Death.
A week later he had arrived at the city that was the closest to the Wasteland of Death. Walking in, Mesa wore a complete Akatsuki outfit, with straw hat on his head adorned with tassels. Walking to a random guest inn, Mesa walks up to the counter and books a room for the night.
”I would like one room for the night, please.”
The owner barely gives him a look and just tells him that there are no more rooms for the night. Instead of leaving and finding another inn, Mesa takes out a purple profound coin and places it on the counter.
”You were saying?” Said Mesa to which the owner immediately changed his whole attitude towards him.
”Of course sir, I will make sure a room is available for you immediately! Please, just give me a minute!” said the owner as he ran upstairs. While this was happening, a group of mercenaries, who were drinking in the bar, were looking at this whole exchange and were having a look of greed on their faces. As they got up, everyone in the inn was looking at Mesa with pity in their eyes.
'That stupid idiot, he should have known not to flaunt his money around in this place.'
'Poor guy, he just arrived and he already has the attention of the strongest mercenary group in the city.'
'Well, well, well, looks like tonight is gonna get interesting. Wonder how much they're going to rough him up before he gives up everything he has.'
As this group of mercenaries closed in on Mesa, who still didn't turn around, they surrounded him. Just as the leader stepped forward to demand Mesa give up all his belongings to them, all his henchman suddenly just dropped to the floor, completely out cold. As the leader was stunned at his henchmen getting knocked out, Mesa turns around and tilts his head so that his eyes are just barely visible from under his straw hat and puts the leader under a genjutsu, putting him through the worst nightmares imaginable, reducing him to a sniveling mess of a man, covered in snot, tears and reeking of piss. Looking over the rest of the guests in the inn, Mesa gives everyone a warning.
”Anyone else wanna have a go at me?” Said Mesa as everyone in the inn got scared shitless and averted their gazes from Mesa. It was at this point that the inn owner had returned and placed a key on the counter.
”Good sir, your room ready. Your room number is 211. It is on the second floor and to the right all the way the back of the hall.”
”Thank you.” Said Mesa as he picked up the key and left for room for the night. Once he got in his room, he just went straight to bed and didn't even bother with anything else. The next morning, he got up pretty late and left the inn to go to the Wasteland of Death.
Walking around town, he attracted many gazes, since he wore his Akatsuki coat with the straw hat on his head, he was an attraction to many in the town who had never seen such clothes. But Mesa didn't bother with any of it and just kept going to the Wasteland of Death. An hour later he crossed the entrance and was officially inside. The Wasteland of Death looked like a savannah, with its dry withered grass everywhere, with patches of forest here and there, the rugged terrain that dominates the landscape and groups of practitioners walking around.
Mesa was walking around with the Yamato in hand, searching for the Azure Dragon God Trial, making sure to stay well away from everyone else who wanted him to join their groups and explore the Wasteland together. And every time a profound beast would show up to fight him, he would cut it down so blindingly fast with the Yamato, that it just looked like he just unsheathed it and immediately sheathed it back and the profound beast would be cut in pieces. He was assaulted by a group of ten wolves that surrounded him and circled him for an opportunity to attack. Keeping calm at all times, Mesa just calmly placed his right hand on the Yamato's handle and waited, staring at the wolves with an eagle like gaze. As the standoff continued, two wolves who were behind Mesa pounced on him, instead of turning around, he kept his hand on the Yamato and his gaze forward. As the two wolves closed, they jumped, with claws extended and fangs exposed, ready to bite him and hold him down for the rest of the pack to join in. But instead, they fazed right through him, Mesa immediately drew his sword and with one slash, bisected both wolves. He sheathed the Yamato and appears in front of the other wolves, who pounce on him but he runs away. As the wolves keep chasing him, he runs in such a way as to keep the wolves as close as possible to each other. Turning around, it looked like Mesa quickly unsheathed and sheathed the Yamato. But what happened next was astonishing.
Using the Yamato's space cutting properties, Mesa created a spatial distortion of purple energy that encompassed the entire group of wolves and in this spatial distortion, sword slashes that shined with an intense blue glow covered the area of the spatial distortion, cutting all the wolves to pieces in one fell swoop. Turning around, he continued his journey.
”Hey Ddraig, can you sense the direction of that Azure Dragon God's trial?” Asked Mesa as the Boosted Gear appeared on his hand.
”Yes partner. I can sense an immense amount of draconic power emanating from 10 o'clock direction. Probably some 300 to 400 km in. But I can also sense two other dragons near it, but they won't be a problem for you.” said Ddraig.
”Thanks Ddraig, can you keep me posted if I veer off course?”
”Sure, no problem partner.”
And so Mesa travelled in the direction Ddraig told him. Occasionally he would veer of course because of the difficult terrain and Ddraig would then steer him back on the right course. On the way there, he would be assaulted by many different kinds of profound beasts.