Chapter 31 - A Surprising New Partner (1/2)
”Heey Jasmine, can you come out for a second?” called out Itachi to Jasmine after which she came out and asked him what he got this time.
”I called you out this time because I need your help with a new training regime.” Said Itachi.
”Why do you need my help? You got your shadow clones standing right over there and you always trained with them. What do you need my help for then?” asked Jasmine.
”You'll see.” Said Itachi after which he gave Jasmine a stick and started to take of his clothes until he was wearing only his pants. Meanwhile Jasmine who saw him suddenly take off his clothes became red as a beet and started yelling at him.
”What…. What…are you doing!! Why are you taking off your clothes!!” yelled Jasmine completely fl.u.s.tered as she looked away but still sneaked a peak now and then.
”Because I need your help with something and I can't do it alone.” Said Itachi seriously which caused Jasmine to get even redder to the point that her hair and face had the same color.
”Need my help...can't do it alone…. what…. you…. you...YOU PERVERT!!” screamed Jasmine at Itachi as she used the stick to whack him on the head.
”OW!! What was that for!!” Yelled Itachi at Jasmine while he was holding his head where she had hit him.
”For being such a pervert!!” yelled Jasmine at Itachi who was still holding his head while doing his best to keep himself from laughing before he finally just burst into laughter
”Hahahahaha...Sorry about that Jasmine, I just couldn't resist. But all kidding aside, I really do need your help. This involve a new technique that I'm gonna practice called senjutsu.” Said Itachi.
”Partner, be careful. Senjutsu maybe a really handy power, but if you're not careful with it, it will corrupt you.” Said Ddraig suddenly after Itachi mentioned senjutsu.
”Don't worry Ddraig. This is not the senjutsu from your world that can corrupt its user. This is the one from Itachi's world, but it does carry the danger of turning one into an animal statue of one isn't careful with it.” Said Itachi.
”Can someone explain to me what this 'Senjutsu' is? And why would it corrupt you or turn you into an animal statue?” asked Jasmine.
”Ah yes, Senjutsu. Well to begin with, the Senjutsu from Itachi's world and the one from Ddraig's world are similar but still different.
Senjutsu in Ddraig's world's case, entails controlling the flow of life energy or ki in living beings. It can be used to strengthen one's internal and external bodies to great extent. Senjutsu users are able to sense the ki and auras of others and track them from great distances. Its greatest power is that senjutsu users can damage the spirit of their opponent, thus making senjutsu very difficult to defend against. But it greatest flaw is that the ki they use can also contain malice and if an amateur is not careful with it the malice can eventually corrupt them and forever change them.
Senjutsu in Itachi's world's case, entails absorbing nature energy and using it as a source of energy. Nature energy is energy that exists in the atmosphere and the soil. By absorbing it and balancing it with the energy in your own body one becomes a senjutsu user. Those who have successfully become senjutsu users can massively enhance their physical and sensing capabilities for as long as they nature energy. The problem with absorbing nature energy is, that too little nature energy and it's useless, too much and one becomes an animal before turning to stone. If one is in the process of turning into an animal statue, the nature energy must be expelled before the process is complete. That is what that stick is for that I gave you. It can expel nature energy from someone's body.” Said Itachi
”Ok, ok. I get it now. So you are gonna train in senjutsu and you gave me this stick to watch over you and expel the nature energy out of your body if you're becoming an animal. Am I right?” asked Jasmine.
”Yes, you are right. I'm gonna need you to watch over me and make sure I don't turn in an animal statue. Because, and I'm warning you now, if the process of me turning into an animal statue is complete, it's permanent and there will be no way to reverse it. So if I'm starting to become an animal, I will need you to whack me on the head with that stick and bring me back to normal.” Said Itachi causing Jasmine to frown.
”Are you serious? I have to hit you on the head when you're starting to become an animal?” asked Jasmine
”Yes, I am very serious. But anyways let's start this training, it requires me to stay perfectly still in order to 'become one with nature'. If you see any animalistic features showing up, you know what to do.” Said Itachi as he sat on the ground in lotus position and closed his eyes while Jasmine was watching him intently.
Hours passed by and nothing happened. Itachi was sitting on the ground, still as a rock, with Jasmine watching him like a hawk. Until suddenly, scales started appearing on Itachi's skin, first starting with his chest but it rapidly spread to his shoulders, back and neck. Before it could spread any further, Jasmine quickly whacked him on the head expelling the nature energy out of him.
”Just asking out of curiosity, but what kind of animalistic features did I develop? Fur, scales, warts or feathers?” asked Itachi.
”You were growing scales.” Said Jasmine.
”Ok then. Guess I was turning into a snake. Well, back to training.” Said Itachi as he went back to training.
And so many hours passed by and every time Itachi would start to develop any scales, Jasmine would whack him on the head expelling the nature energy out of him. After going on like this for nearly fourteen hours did Itachi decide to call it quits for the day. After making a meal he and Jasmine sat down and started talking about the training.
”So, how does it feel to become an animal? I imagine it must be pretty uncomfortable.” Said Jasmine.
”Actually, no. I don't feel the part about me becoming an animal. What I feel is the nature energy rushing into me. It's quite the exhilarating feeling, it's like you've suddenly discovered this whole new source of energy and you just keep on trying to get more of it. And that is the most dangerous part about senjutsu training. It is this exhilarating feeling that poses the greatest danger, if left unchecked it will lead me to become a snake statue so I that's why I needed you during my training.” Said Itachi to Jasmine who nodded back.
”Yeah, don't worry. I won't let you become a snake statue. And besides if you become a snake statue here, I can't get any more of your delicious food.” Said Jasmine as she put another spoonful of food in her mouth with a smile.
And so Itachi trained his senjutsu. Every day he would train for twelve to sixteen hours. In order to speed up the process he would use his shadow clones. And in order to make sure Jasmine could keep an eye on all of his clones, they limited it to just 5 clones. The first three days was just Itachi and his 5 clones getting smacked on the head by Jasmine as if she was playing a life size version of Whack-a-mole. But after those three days, he could start to feel a change. The nature energy that he was absorbing was no longer sucked into him like a chaotic vortex but it became gentler. It took a week for Itachi to truly unlock Sage Mode and the markings around his eyes were the same as Hashirama Senju had. The next week was spent on attaining Sage Mode while on unstable grounds and having to attain perfect stability. Two weeks after starting his Sage Mode training, Itachi had finally completed his Sage Mode training. He could enter Sage Mode in a few minutes now, but he knew that this was nowhere near fast enough, especially in battle where seconds could mean the difference between life and death. So to compensate, he would utilize the same strategy as Naruto did in the series and use his shadow clones as nature energy batteries and place them before hand in strategic places to make full use of them during battles.
Having completed his senjutsu training, Itachi went on to the next part of his training: Phoenix fire manipulation. He wanted to use the Phoenix flames in much the same way as some characters did in some anime shows. During the next week he came up with many different techniques. He came up with a technique that would allow him to conjure flames all over his body, just like Natsu Dragneel from the Fairy Tail series. He came up with a technique to allow him to conjure an explosion in his hand like the pyromancy Great Combustion, Portgas D. Ace his fire fist, the profaned flame pyromancy, the seething chaos pyromancy and especially he would use the Phoenix flames in conjunction with his weapons and especially with his katanas to make a beautiful show of him wielding a katana with a trail of fire behind it.
During the final week, Itachi was sitting on the ground contemplating his next technique, he had two shadow clones practicing senjutsu in order for him to keep up with it and help him lower his time to get into Sage Mode, when he was suddenly struck with a sudden flash of inspiration.
'Hey, hey, hey, hey. Why don't I use the Phoenix flames in the same way as rocket boosters and grant myself incredible flight powers. I can be just like Iron Man. I have the Boosted Gear, all I would need is to unlock the Balance Breaker Scale Mail and I'll look just like Iron Man. And with the system I will be like this worlds version of Iron Man. But I can't keep calling it the system than. If I will be this worlds version of Iron Man I have to give the system a proper name. JARVIS would be an excellent name.
Thank you Tony Stark and Rest in Peace you magnificent bastard.
Hmm?.... I wonder if I can get the Infinity Stones here. Than nobody, not even those arrogant King's Realm Emperors pricks can touch me.' thought Itachi to himself with a big smile across his face.
['Hey, system. I have come up with a new name for you. From now on your name is JARVIS.']
[@@#%@$#@.... ERROR!!!!...ERROR!!!.... [email protected]#$%$#@#$]
[.... SYSTEM REBOOT in 10]