Vol 20 Chapter 6 (1/2)

Koukaku no Regios Ai Shuusuke 125590K 2022-07-19

Machina's Eye

Vati Len was just a single person

If you asked her whether she lacked sociability, you would get an answer that see and ordinary

For example, the situation with her class their first encounter

”Ah, nice to meet you, I'm Shay I'm from the Windswept City Genilla”

”Nice to meet you, I'm Vati Len I was born in the Cal town, and I'm the eldest child of a five-person faht is one hundred and fifty eight centio into thatclass

”Ah, my eraser!”

”Your eraser fell, huh”

”Sorry, could you grab it for me?”

”Understood Teacher, in order to pick up the eraser of Shay-san in the neighboring seat, I must temporarily leave my seat”

”Nn? Oh”

”I will probably need to leave my seat for three seconds, may I ask if this will be of any concern?”

”Nn, pick it up quickly”

”No, it will be impossible for me to shorten the time I must leave my seat under three seconds”

”Well, just pick it up”

”Alright I have picked it up, sorry to interrupt your class”


”Here you go, Shay-san”

”ThThank you”

During confession

”What did you call me to this kind of place for?”

”It seeo out with e qualities?”

”Are youthat way”

”No, I'e' parts you feel are so I can use that as reference later”

”Uh, that Everything No no no, even everything you do - hold on, do you want me to talk about the parts that don't need to be explained”

”What do you mean by 'parts that don't need to be explained'?”

”I don'tthis I think that you're very char doesn't e? Could you tell me simply?”

”Huh? Uh, that”

”Do you have time? If possible, I want to listen to your opinion, so please don't hold anything back”

”Sorry, it's too much for me to handle!”

Like that, Vati wouldn't refuse to communicate with others, but her responses easily e In addition, the pubescenttheir parents also noticed her beauty, and the situation was highlighted even further because they confessed to her

Recently, everyone had already begun believing 'Vati Len is strange'

Vati thought

”What is this?'

She didn't feel unhappy However, she was unable to understand the relationshi+p between the flurry of guys who had confessed to her and her public iirl's looks were one of the s She could understand that males would confess to her because of this It was an action having to do anting to establish certain male-female relationshi+ps But, why had their appraisals of her becoe person' afterwards?

”Why is that?”

She asked the store owner as she orking, as also a senpai one year above her and who also lived in the same apartment - Meishen


Meishen could only show a troubled smile

This was the cake store where Vati worked

Inside the kitchen of the cake store that had been remodeled fro cakes Other than the kitchen, there was also a s area and a display counter where slices of cakes had been placed, but those places weren't used often Meishen's cake store was near the warehouse district, and there was a good distance froated, so there weren't many customers who came here directly to buy Thecontracts with other stores to sell the this store late last year, and this year it had just opened this year, but just frootten er, do you also think I'er, call er here”

The two of theh the store had just opened, they would talk like this while working if they weren't h that were true, the work ofthem still had to be completed before school started, so they actually were pretty busy The two of them carried out the conversation in short snippets

”I do think that your e, but I don't think you're a strange person I think you're very serious”

”I' you don't understand, you'll want to ht?”

”Nn, that's true”

”I think Vati's very serious about that”

Though Meishen was shy, she was already used to being with Vati since Vati was helping with the store and also lived in the same apart Meishen, Vati once again began working while continuing to think

But, if it were like that, did that mean her classmates didn't believe Vati was a 'serious person'?

From where had that discrepancy arisen? Meishen's re Vati's words, but her classhts were evaluations they had obtained after actually seeing Vati's actions

Was that where the difference was? In that case, were the classs should also be the co all of the experiences she had with Vati up through now In that case, Vati couldn't one-sidedly say that her thoughts rong, right?

The actions she had taken up to now under the identity Vati Len had caused her classe person, but Meishen believed she was serious

What kind of factors had caused those differences? The ansasn't apparent

As she thought hard about those things, today's cake- work ended

Incidentally, she would want to s she didn't understand

Meishen had also said that But, that was the current Vati That was true regardless of whether it was to perfect her o over the situation again”

She was in class right now, and Vati murmured with a quiet voice that wouldn't allow anyone to hear it Maybe Shay who sat next to her had heard her talking to herself a bit, as he looked at her with a tinore his reaction

How did the evaluations of Meishen and her classs were the comprehensive evaluation she had issued of her view of Vati, and her classmates' opinions were the sas Meishen and her classht)

In order to keep fro to herself If she controlled her ram, the words in her heart wouldn't 'leave herin class while calht, that's it)

Even in she ith her classmates for more than half of each day, the Vati that her class to lecture like usual They almost never saw Vati after school was over

Other than this, they also saw the guys who had confessed to her

Moreover, Meishen hadn't witnessed that

In other words, the classmates had seen the males who confessed to Vati, so they had evaluated her as a 'strange person'? Though that thought still left soe person'

(Meaning that ae, relationshi+ps with the other gender are very important?)

Vati had received the confessions, but hadn't gone out with any of the le, she was indeed a 'strange person'

But, in that case?

(Then, ill become of him and her?)

Vati s for hi to the information supplied by Meishen's childhood friends Mifi and Naruki, Meishen had had feelings for Layfon almost since she entered school But a whole year had almost passed, and there hadn't been any developments between the two

In the eyes of their class's students, was that also 'strange'?

(Is it?)

After co her She didn't have any abnormalities as a person In other words, was the personality unrelated with ability to coender?

(But if that's true, I will have to consider changing the target of observation)

Vati had cooal, and had chosen Meishen as a qualified person However, if Vati's choice were e her choice of person Vati didn't have e, then it would be best to decide as early as possible

(Before that, I have to confir up herthe noon break, Vati walked to the second-year school building

If Vati put her mind to it, she could effortlessly learn the current location of anyone

That day, the target person was sitting on a park bench eating lunch with a fat classmate

”Ah, Vati What's up?”

Layfon felt curious about why the first-year Vati had shown up in a park near the second-year school building

”I came to ask you a question”

”Really? You haven't eaten lunch yet, right? In that case, let's eat together”


After seeing the bento box in Vati's hand, Layfon said this, and Vati also followed along with that proposal

”Huh, this girl is?”

The fat class next to Layfon asked this

”She's Vati, who lives in the same apartment as I do This is Ed”

”Nice to meet you”

”Ah, yeah”

Vati sat down next to Layfon, and Ed welcomed her with confusion

”Then, what did you want to ask me?”

Next to Layfon was placed a bento box with the same appearance as Vati's but a different size, and other than that, a bento from the same bento store as Ed's was also stacked on top of it That bento box was Meishen's Today, Meishen was the one in charge of h she didn't have to even make lunch as well, she had just done that on her own Meishen wouldn't do that if she were busy her cake store's work

There were no new products today, and the flavors hadn't changed h Vati could observe Meishen's actions, it was hard to observe her feelings at the ti Meishen's bento, Layfon asked this

”Nn, Is Layfon-senpai going out with any girl?”


Layfon and Ed simultaneously ejected the food in theirthat so suddenly?”

”I heard that Layfon-senpai has quite a good standing a the platoon ood reputation a the female students I'oing out with any girl”

”I see, that's indeed true!”

Ed nodded his head vigorously

”Hurry up and find soo out with, and then introduce her friends to me!”

It seemed like Ed was also in line with Vati's standards, a man with normal sensibility

”Look at Ed-senpai, that's the reaction of a nor that he was isolated, Layfon couldn't help but feel cornered

”Layfon-senpai's contact with girls and the feelings that girls have for senpai are far greater than for Ed-senpai, but Layfon-senpai isn't going out with any girl”

”Uh, saying things that plainlyfronored Ed's reaction, and continued asking

”Even if you ask me why”

”Does Layfon-senpai not have a favorite girl?”

”That's not it”

”Why is that? A nor out with his favorite girl, right?”

”Uh, no, how should I say it”

”And then once you start going out, you'll be want to peer into the depths of ht? Does Layfon-senpai have no interest in that kind of thing?”


Layfon had originally seemed troubled, but those words froe Layfon faced Vati with a solemn expression

”What is it?”

”Girls can't say that kind of thing whenever they want”

”Really? I believe that not only males feel interest in male-female relations”

”Maybe, but you still can't”

Layfon refuted her once again


”Because if girls do that kind of thing, they nant in this kind of place? You'd have to take a roaht? Not only that, you'd have to ht not be able to stay in the acade classes”

”You're thinking really seriously”

”Because there were si expression, but Layfon next to hi

”I see, I understand”

Vati nodded her head, and afterwards the two of the speed, and then left the area

She understood Layfon's thoughts His calm consideration of societal relations had allowed hith Perhaps one could say that as long as his societal state wasn't complete, he wouldn't think of himself as a man Was it because of this that he was able to continue his slow attitude towards female outreach?

Then, what about Meishen?

What did she think?

If Meishen had siht?

But, Vati would be troubled if that were the case

Meishen had to take action

How could she make her take action?

There was a need to carry out experiments

If the person herself were used for an experis would be very troublesome once a situation arose

Therefore, she had to search for similar experimental subjects, and then search for individual effective athered information from the entire Academy City, and then retrieved the contents And, she found it

She found an experi with a way to carry out the experi

A good amount of time had already passed since the City Police Psychokinesist contacted her The waste of tie on Naruki's sweat-covered face, as she charged into the departues were already waiting, and For at a file in his hand looked towards Naruki

”You still haven't found Layfon?”

”I' we can do about it, we can't use the broadcasting systeet prepared”


After replying with that, Naruki rushed towards the equip Mechanical Depart city had a purification syste with the shelters and other facilities, and this took up al city But other than that, there were also other facilities underground

For exa buses were repaired or taken apart In eoing up and down to outskirts of the city couldn't be used - roaround area or depart froround area

The police had received a report that there was a fugitive bandit group that had snuck into this underground area

Because they received briefing books that other roa the group of outsiders who had arrived After they had disappeared froun to launch a search, and had discovered that they were hiding inside that underground area

”The bandit group plans on repairing the roa forindependently We have to catch them before that”

”Yes sir!”

After For, the members of the SWAT teaed her outfit was also a them

The tearound inside the City Police department It was so that they wouldn't obstruct the ency, but could also let the police enter i off crieway to advance underground

”Speaking of which, I still haven't asked you about thattense ateway In that atmosphere, Formed quietly asked this of Naruki:

”Why did you leave the platoon?”


”You could have been on both sides and easily raised your strength”


”Why, then?”

Formed believed that it was a natural question Actually, it was as he said; Naruki's strength had increased after attending the platoon training, and she had used that strength in her City Police work

More importantly was that there was no Military Arts competition this year, so she wouldn't be as busy as last year

Even so, Naruki had still resigned from the platoon

”Ah, if you don't want to say, I won't force the question”


”If there's so built up in your heart that you feel troubled about, just tell me At the least I can listen to you”

”Thank you”

The restraints that she felt deep inside her heart felt slightly alleviated

Just as the two of them conversed about this, the teae le, this door was just a normal wall

Because of the preliminary inspection of the Psychokinesist, the police already had so of the position and condition of the bandit group repairing the roaht silently of the suppression operation that had been planned using that data as a basis while quietly activating her Kei vein If she released too much Kei, the enemies would notice, so Naruki carried out furtivesure not to do that

Layfon had once said that she needed to be able to hold back her Kei presence at any time, but Naruki still couldn't do that even noever, after the platoon training, the time it took for her to activate her Kei vein had shortened, and the speed at which she coth had also increased greatly

Though it hadn't been a full year, she had truly learned ned from the platoon

One of the team members slowly opened the lock, and then put his hand on the doorhandle For the beginning of a raid

The door was opened in a flash, and the raid teaap that appeared in twos and threes, with the Psychokinesist following behind theround area, and she ran towards the roa repaired

A part of the outer layer of the roa bus had been torn off, and the drive syste repaired The severalby their slow reactions, these people weren't Military Artists

In that case

Naruki threw out her restored rope After the Karen Kei training that Naruki had carried out with Gorneo who Layfon had introduced, she was able to h midair like a snake It tied all of the workers in a bundle

And then was

External-type Kei, Karen variant - A

The Ruby Dite made Naruki's Kei flow becoulated, caused the workers to fall unconscious
