Vol 6 Chapter 6 (1/2)
Chapter 6: The owner of the blade
”Ti a little terrified
”I don't have the confidence to win”
The filththe on a bike with Karian and talking with him
It was an ancient filth monster So ancient that even Layfon couldn't tell which phase it was in Its swift appearance had brought fear to the entire city Karian had then called for the special team to stop its attack Did he trust the words of that filth monster? Or was it because he was in despair?
The filth ainst the Military Artists and Zuellni All it did was hover above the city The Leader of the crowdIt aiting for the Student President Karian to finish his preparations Karian had then ordered Layfon to go with hi such an ancient filththey can speak the hue I don't think I can win”
”We don't knohether we need to fight yet”
Layfon couldn't see Karian's face, hidden by his hel to ease hiht, doesn't that mean we'd be annihilated in one moment?”
Felli was still recovering and had not received permission to leave the city The Psychokinesist of the 1st platoon was acting as their support
”I'm not interested in hoerful this filth monster is, but rather in what it proposes”
”I don't think we can deal with it”
”That isn't an issue,” Karian said, putting his hands together ”So long as it understands huotiation We have to quickly understand what it values, then decide how to negotiate”
So Karian really was here for the negotiation Layfon pressed on the accelerator to keep up with the flying filth otiation would work Their bike sped along the uneven ground It leapt over an edge of a raised piece of earth to land heavily
”I've had this doubt for a long time,” Karian said loudly ”Filth monsters They eat pollutants Do they really have to consuated the living conditions of the filth monsters The ht filth ht Fighting filth uarantees a certain level of harm No matter what city it is, one or two Military Artists would die in a fight That's the sa out a Heaven's Blade successor again and again to fight theth”
Layfon himself was the best proof here
”But filth monsters will attack us”
”Yes, but why?” Karian said
”The way the larvae consu special It's the baptism needed for the fittest to survive, and it's also a hunt Eating each other isn't evil in their eyes”
”But they never thought of it this way”
”Yes, that's the problem A human baby isn't iether to find food But what about filth monsters? They prefer to obtain nutrients rather than consu pollutants In that case, what about the matured filth monsters that can think for themselves? How so? Isn't that in itself a co?”
Layfon's cold reply had an opposite effect and made Karian more excited
”When we solve that problem, we can perhaps find neays to deal with filth monsters”
”By talks? But would they not eat us rather than listen to us? They're hungry” Layfon's experience at the orphanage placed hiht have to kill the larvae, but it's different with a e and the capability to negotiate”
”So what do we do?”
”We've to understand why they attack cities! Is it really just for human meat? Humannutritious We just need to make food that caters for them Besides, we can replenish the loss of food in the city by selenium”
Layfon shook his head Allow filth monsters to come into the city to buy food? Filth monsters to buy food with moneyRidiculous Ih!”
”But it's worth trying And”
The filth round evened out Karian put his hands together again
”That filth monster didn't attack the city without reasons It requested the head of the pack to attend the negotiation, and that really bothers me!”
Then Layfon realized that it wasn't the speed of the bike that had changed It was the filthclose to their destination
”I wonder whether anyone has ever gone to a gathering of filth monsters?”
Shocked by Karian's curiosity, Layfon sensed the atry filth e of scenery Layfon quickly gripped the handle and ency stop to the bike's movement
He heard Karian's muffled voice The sound came from outside the helmet The Psychokinesist's support had been cut off His vision had turned narrow
”Please reply!”
No matter how many times Layfon called, the Psychokinesist did not reply
”What's going on?”
”Psychokinesis is blocked off here Please be careful”
Layfon took out his Dite but Karian stopped hi to provoke the other party”
”Let's see how it reacts,” Karian slid off the bike
Endless plain surrounded them The dry earth looked like it had been cut apart by a blade However, the color of the air was much more transparent The color of the sky where the filth monster was, remained the usual rusty red, but the scenery here hat one could see only in a city The air that was clear as water This place was obviously different fro on?”
”This kind of technology”
Layfon looked around to confirear he wore for outside city use prevented hi around did nothing to help him discern whether this reality was true or not
”Uhah? Layfon, what is it?” Karian pointed
Layfon strengthened his vision with internal Kei He took the bike further up and saw a rockyhis way
”Eh? Impossible!” his eyes widened in shock
He returned to Karian's side
”What is it?”
”Come and see!”
Karian took his seat and Layfon pressed on the accelerator with his foot, pressing all the way so he couldn't press on it anymore
”What did you see?” Karian asked
The tier than Layfon remembered
”This is” Karian understood He slipped off the bike to stand as of so water shook their helmets
”A lakeor a waterfall?”
In the e lake A waterfall fell on the opposite side of Layfon's location The ru of water and a screen of hazy water shrouded the lake
”This doesn't look like a 3D ie!” Karian wiped the surface of the helmet
A few droplets of water had also splashed onto Layfon's helrasses and small flowers adorned the side of the lake Pollutants had conquered the arid world All animals and plants besides filth monsters were deadThat had always been Layfon's belief But this place that the filth monster had shown them
”This? This isn't affected by pollutants?” Karian said calmly
”Ho is that possible”
”We won't know till we bring this back for investigation Besides, the filth monster here is already different fro up a s around his waist
”So you've shown us what needs to be seen Isn't it time to show yourself?”
”Uh, you've noticed?” The filth monster was already above the lake Had it hidden itself? Or had it used teleportation just like the time when it appeared in Zuellni? Karian couldn't tell
The filtha conversation with him ”You do hold the air of a leader!”
”Thanks But I still don't know your true purpose,” Karian replied without shock
Layfon held tight to his Dite, observing the filth e to snatch out his Dite and restore it
The huge body of the filth monster was on top of the lake, but the surface of the water remained calm without a ripple
But the pressure of the body felt real That long neck, that gigantic body, those huge, curved wings They all felt so real
”Speaking of which, what is your name?” Karian asked, unafraid of those h I hadn't used it for long, people have called me Cloud-cell Separation Interface IV Harpe”
”Can I call you Harpe?”
”As you like,” Harpe nodded with its long neck
”Then, Harpe I'otiation One, you want to prove that humans and filth monsters can communicate Two, humans are a threat to the survival of filth er ht humans That's all,” Karian said it all in one breath He lifted his head to look at Harpe, and waited as of a student waiting for a response
”Hohoho, we'll leave the first two points Do you think I don't want to fight huht, Zuellni would have been destroyed You didn't do that, so I think you don't wish to fight All the saios to enter this territory”
Harpe called through its nose Its eyes studied Karian ”Got a good brain there Well, to want to hear the words of another creature's heart isn't so that can just be done How about we just say the truth and hear the truth?”
”It's otiation,” Karian nodded in satisfaction
”Then allow me to start the question What made your city enter this territory? A normal city wouldn't have come here”
Karian answered that question honestly, telling Harpe about the contact with the ruined city, the invasion of the Haikizoku, the City's Electronic Fairy on a rae
”Haikizoku The insane Electronic Fairy? I seeDoes it hate us?” Harpe said with his long neck bent in apology Its short foreleg scratched its lower jaw ”The invaded systee?”
”Yes This isn't our will, nor is it Zuellni's will I hope you understand this point”
”All right, I forgive you for entering the territory”
”Thank you”
Harpe and Karian actually held a conversation That fact didn't keep Layfon fro unbelievable
”But this only holds in the present The city has not stopped , and if the Haikizoku forces it to invade the territory further, we'll do all we can to eliminate it”
”I understand,” Karian said
”Then onto the next topic I heard what you said while you were riding that thing”
”I' that happens in ”
”Um, well, the business trade you talked about, I'm afraid, the implementation is impossible It's not impossible to happen in the area that I control, but I can't do anything about filth monsters outside my area Besides, no city can enter this territory”
”What a shame”
”You want to resolve this quickly, I see For humans who are limited in their movements and are weak at survival, it ht your ene for solutions Harpe, do you know the way to fight against the Haikizoku?”
”No I'uard the boundary between the edge of the world and the Aurora Field I do not have any inforement of the Human Preservation Plan”
Aurora Field Human Preservation Plan Terms that Karian had never heard of
(And why is this the only filth monster)
”I see I understand,” Karian nodded
Layfon felt uneasy
”Then let's find a way to solve the problem of the city Harpe, please allow the city to stay here for a while”
Harpe had lifted its long neck ”There's no need,” it said Its gaze turned to the sky and it spread its wings
”Your city isaway from my area You better hurry and catch up to it”
Layfon was surprised at those words as he supported Karian under the beating of the wind
”The city isawaySo the city had started evading filth ?
”Hurry, the city moves as fast as the bike It'd be troubleso to chase after it,” Karian said
Harpe was gone The presence of the filth monster that had a name had disappeared, as if it was just an illusion
”I know”
They mounted the bike
(CaptainIs she safe?)
That wasn't his naive dream He round and the bike began its
”Oh, Oh!” Karian's voice drowned out the engine's call A group of matured filth monsters stood in a file as they watched Layfon and Karian leave
”Such grandeur!”
Layfon felt like he was a doll under those gazes, but Karian's attitude reotiation with Harpe, except his voice was now different
”Let's hurry!”
Layfon accelerated to thethem, and all of them looked like Harpe Filth monsters that were born from the same mother shouldn't all look the sa feels really bad)
The bike continued to runStill can't contact Zuellni! Are we heading the right way!?”
”The direction is correct”
But they would miss Zuellni if they erred in the direction Harpe had said the city was , so it must also know Zuellni's direction Layfon and Karian had left the sight of the filthahead of the?”
”These are the city's footsteps!”
A huout, but pressed with a huge weight that could cut through the dry earth Layfon looked far ahead and saw siet lost if we follow them”
The problem nohether they could safely catch up with Zuellni
”If we can contact them, the city can come back for us”
”Anyway, let's catch up!” Layfon started the engine and the bike ran for a whole day
Night Layfon could keep on going but considering Karian's strength, he had found so?” Karian said He had cli” Layfon felt as if so behind the?)
Theythe didn't sit ith him
(Well, it is a machine)
He meant Harpe That filth monster moved like a robot
(So humans in the past made filth monsters?)
He couldn't think of any other explanation Pollutants filled this world, and only filth monsters could live in it But reality was that the es – that must be it?
(I wonder what the Student President thinks?)
He wanted to ask but Karian probably wouldn't say anything here They were still in Harpe's territory, and anything they said was apparent to it That hateful presence was still here
(Can't fight it)
Karian was already asleep
(The Aurora Field, the edge of the world)
Layfon returned to the bike and fell into a shallow sleep
(Is that place really the edge of the world?)
They had lost the e like the Regios edges? If there was such a place, why the ht sleep stopped Layfon fro to Zuellni was their main problem now About the reason behind Zuellni's movement – he needed to find out whether it matched his speculations
He and Karianthe day when contact through Psychokinesis recovered