1854 Chapter 1850: Cutting the Grass for Eradication (1/2)

Kingfisher really liked the drinks brought by Hongxiu, because it tasted good, watching Kingfisher drink after drink, Xiao Dun didn't feel anything at first, but slowly, Xiao Dun saw a little nibble.

You know, these wines from Red Show, which are the best fairy brews in the whole world, are made with a variety of celestial treasures, and contain extremely pure energy.

Generally speaking, they don't drink too much wine like this. After all, the energy in this wine takes time to refine and digest. If you can't refine it, or if you drink too much in a greedy glass, it's harmful to your body.

But looking at the King in front of him, from sitting down to now, in less than half an hour, he has drank a full three pots.

Three pots of fairy brew, even if the Immortal Realm can probably not dare to drink it like this, and the King seemed to have nothing to do with it, his face was not red, his breath was still not fluctuating at all, he still had no breath to dissipate.

This has no effect on Junior High, which makes Xiao Dun wonder, what exactly is Junior High?

You know, drinking this wine doesn't look at the amount of alcohol, but the more people who fix it, the more people who fix it, naturally drink it, because the more spiritual energy they can bear, and the less people who fix it, naturally drink it, like those low-order martial arts who don't have a saint yet, I'm afraid just one drop is enough to make them drunk.

Seeing as King drinks, Xiao Dun is confused, but he has no intention of explaining himself. He just drinks his own wine.

It's been almost three months since Xiao Dun and Hongxiu disappeared.

And Luo Li, Red Lotus, Fu Rui, Kwon Feng, they also returned to the first wilderness two months ago.

At the beginning, the Eight Wild Fairies used a great deal of energy to discover Xiao Dun and Hongxiu's news. Unfortunately, they had never been found. Even to this day, they still did not know where Xiao Dun and Hongxiu were being held. They only knew that neither of their cards had been broken, so that they could be sure that they were still alive.

However, two months later, the Eight Wild Fairies also caused a big wave of wind, and the entire Eight Wild Fairies world has undergone a huge change.

It is a huge change, which may be a little exaggerated, because in the eyes of all the world's masters, such a change is nothing, but if Xiao Dun knew about it, he would surely be furious, because at this time, the liquor trailer, Longqing, Xuanling, including Xuanling, were already imprisoned in the prison of the Eight Wild Fairies.

As to why the four people were imprisoned, it goes without saying that it was naturally Mahfan, before Guanhong and others returned to the Eight Wilderness World, then Guanhong and they returned. Mahfan soon took advantage of his opportunity to wreak havoc on Xuanling and Longqing after learning that Xiao Du had stayed alone.

For a long time, Luo Li and Red Lotus have believed that this matter was deliberately communicated to the Eight Wastes, that is, among the people who went to the Second Waste, there was an insider.

After learning about Luo Li and Red Lotus's suspicions, Mufan was extremely shady, just like this black pot was dumped on Xuanling and Longqing.

One bite of death is Xuanling and Longqing betrayed everyone, they were sent by the Eight Wastes and produced a lot of evidence, of course, these so-called evidence were forged by Muwan.