1725 Chapter 1722: If You Want To Die, No One Stops You (1/2)
In order to be able to persuade the Emperor, Xiao Dun has been looking like a miserable face for three days. He has obviously been thinking about how to persuade the Emperor.
Looking at Xiao Dun like this, Hongxiu is a little distressed, so many times, Hongxiu will talk to him to comfort Xiao Dun and make him want to open some.
After all, people's hearts are uncontrollable. Whatever others think, you have no way of controlling them at all, so in the end, whether or not you can successfully persuade the Emperor, Hongxiu doesn't want to see Xiao Dun like this.
Faced with the consolation of Hongxiu, Xiao Du nodded his head slightly, and his eyebrows still didn't loosen up. “In just three days, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has declined by at least 40%. ”
Three days on the imperial continent, when the spirituality of the heavens and the earth on the imperial continent declined by as much as 40% compared to when it first entered the imperial.
The speed is a little crazy, and at the rate at which the spiritual energy dissipates in this world and earth now, if it is not unexpected, there will be no more spiritual presence over the imperial continent in a month at most, that is, it will become a dead place completely here.
The speed is much faster than expected. Xiao Dun is helpless for this, but compared to Xiao Dun, it is Xiao Dun's day to kiss the Emperor.
In the early morning, the eighteen great emperors of the Emperor were gathered in the main palace, awaiting Xiao Dun's arrival.
In just three days, it can be seen that the great emperors of the Emperor are a little heavy in their faces.
Xiao Dun can feel the rapid dissipation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth above the imperial continent, they can naturally feel it, and, as native people above the imperial continent, you here are worried about the enormous changes in the imperial continent.
It is hard to imagine what would happen to the Emperor's continent if the spirit of the heavens and the earth dissipated.
Without the anger of the previous days, there are now only fears and sorrows for the great emperors of the Emperor.
In the palace, everyone was silent, waiting for Xiao Dun to arrive. After more than a few hours, a starship slowly came over the Emperor's throne, and felt the smell on the starship. The old man with white hair, led by him, opened his eyes and said in silence, ”Here it is... ”
In the end, the people in the hall disappeared at the same time, even in the sky, in front of the Black Starship.
For the sudden appearance of the Black Starship, as well as for the great emperors, many disciples within the Emperor were a little overwhelmed at one time.
However, to make them even more unexpected, very quickly, from the black starship, two men and one woman, three young men came to the sky, facing three young men, the Emperor's eighteen great emperors, actually took the initiative to salute, it seemed very respectful.
These three youths are not others, really Xiao Dun, Yu Shujin, and Hongxiu. Watching their grand emperor honor these three youths, many disciples within the imperial throne are stunned, and at the same time curious about the identity of the three.
Without paying attention to the mood of many disciples below, he took the initiative to give Xiao Dun a bow of his hands, and the leading gray-haired old man said, ”Do you dare ask which of the eight wild fairy realms came to my royal throne? ”
Just guess that Xiao Dun is one of the eight wild fairy realms, but the old man with white hair doesn't know which, facing the old man with white hair inquiry, Xiao Dun faintly said, “Seventh world Xiao Du. ”