1547 Chapter 1544: Five Years of Cold and Heat (Bottom) (1/2)

Liquor Taoist slowly said, smelling Xiao Dun is also quiet and focused on listening to the next words of Liquor Taoist.

“The law, the power of the domain, both have one thing in common: that is, the heavens and the earth, whether the power of the law or the power of the domain, are, in fact, the power of the heavens and the earth. ”

“And to take control of this power, the first process is to realize the power of the heavens and the earth, and thus to use the power of the heavens and the earth, which is the first step, and then it is to take control, from the power of the heavens and the earth to the power of the heavens and the earth. ”

“Therefore, in order to enhance the power of the law and the power of the domain, neither heaven nor earth can be separated from each other, we need to understand the heavens and the earth, to understand the law of the heavens and the earth, to understand the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, to fit with them, to find the power that best suits us. ”

The salesman slowly said, then, his eyes fell on Xiao Du. At this moment, the salesman's intense drunkenness on his face seemed to disappear in a flash, and there were two rays of light in his eyes.

“And this method of formation can help you to understand the power of heaven and earth more easily. Remember, awareness is not a dead-minded enlightenment, but rather a fusion. Try to merge with this side of heaven and earth. Imagine that you are part of this side of heaven and earth. You are the heaven and the earth as well. ”

“Think of yourself as part of the heavens and the earth, find the strength you want, and try to understand and control them. ”

Hearing the words of the Taoist, Xiao Du felt as if he had thought about it. He had to say that what the Taoist said was like opening a new door for Xiao Du.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Dun's cultivation, or not just Xiao Dun, the entire central world of martial arts cultivation, what they think of the power of the law, the power of the domain, is to perceive and understand the power of the heavens and the earth.

But Xiao Dun was taught not to understand, but to merge, not to understand the heavens and the earth, but to find a way to merge yourself with the heavens and the earth, you are the heavens, you are the earth, so as to find the strength you need as the heavens and the earth.

It can be said that there are two different ways of bordering, the former as if to borrow the power of the heavens and the earth in the capacity of an outsider, while the latter directly compares itself to the heavens and the earth in order to acquire the power of the heavens and the earth, that is, the power of the law and the power of the domain.

This is a completely new cultivation method, and Xiao Dun is the first to hear of this method, but by this time Xiao Dun had slowly closed his eyes and tried to integrate himself into the heavens and the earth as part of this one, according to the liquor fairs.

As the liquor storekeepers say, the method of formation does help in the cultivation of Xiao Du, but most importantly, Xiao Du himself.

Turning himself into a part of the heavens and the earth, he constantly remembered the words of the wagon walker, his eyes closed, not knowing how long later, Xiao Du entered a very subtle state.

Seems like it's really part of the heavens and the earth, and everything around it seems to be related to itself.

For example, the wind between the heavens and the earth, for example, the air between the heavens and the earth, or even the voices between the heavens and the earth, if there is no sound, it's all like it has something to do with the dust.

It is not known how rare such a subtle state is, when Xiao Du is completely immersed in it.

And just as Xiao Dun entered such a subtle state, the winemaker who had been guarding next to Xiao Dun was already shocked, and after pouring a few large sips of wine, he said bitterly.

“My dear, isn't this boy a monster, a time... the first time I tried, a time actually succeeded? ”