892 Chapter 891: No Way Back (1/2)

Shayelah admitted that he was somewhat underestimating the people, that the people were stubborn beyond Shayelah's expectations, that he had fought for almost two hours, but that the demonic army was still unable to invade the Jomtien site, which could almost be said to have caused Shayelah's plan to completely collapse.

However, after so much effort, if we were to withdraw now, Shayyah would indeed be frustrated.

After a moment of silence, Shayyah finally made a decision to increase the number of troops and prevent the reinforcements of the people from backing up to Jomtien.

A heavy price has been paid, and today, at the very least, Jomtien will be maimed directly, otherwise Shayyah will never be willing.

There is no need to be able to destroy the Jomtien site, but at least the Jomtien site should be maimed. With a decision, Shayel immediately ordered another 500,000 demonic troops to be sent to the Jomtien site.

The purpose of this demonic army is to prevent ethnic reinforcements from reaching the Jomtien site and to deter enemy reinforcements at all costs.

On the people's side, Xiangtian and Xiangtian sent 300,000 troops from each of them to support Zhongtian, and the Demon people also sent 500,000 troops to stop them, and the war was escalated again.

After an order was issued to continue the reinforcement, Shayelo sighed, and after the war, it seemed that Shayelo had predicted that this battle between the demons and the people would not end easily.

Once thought of as the belligerent nature of the Demon Nation, it was easy to take over the Tianhe mainland, but now it seems that the idea is a bit naive, and the people are not a weak and small race to be slaughtered.

Fighting is still ongoing, and the battles of dust and samo brown are at their most intense stages.

Both of them are fully fired and can't remember how many moves have been made, but so far none of them have taken advantage of it.

And what shocked Samo Brown was that Xiao Dun's flesh was no weaker than his, and that a human being, with no weaker flesh than the Demon Nation, was really sweaty.

Under hard touches, the flesh of the samo brown has no advantage at all, and the battle cannot last long, and the samo brown has to admit, the strength of Xiao Dun was unexpectedly strong.

All around the battlefield there are fierce wars, and under these large-scale wars, people, both ethnic and demonic, continue to fall, causing death and injuries to be extremely severe.

Over time, both sides paid a heavy price, while on the other side, ethnic reinforcements from Xiangtian and Heavenly Places also encountered the obstruction of the Demonic Army 100 miles from Zhongtian Place, and the two sides once again erupted into a war.

The Demon Nation stops reinforcements at all costs, while the people want to do everything possible to break through the Demon Nation's blockade and seek to reinforce the Jomtien forces as soon as possible.

By this time, the battle situation is obvious, and the purpose of the Demon race is no longer a secret. This massive attack by the Demon race is to take down the Jomtien site in one sentence. Therefore, the situation of the Jomtien site is now conceivable.

Reinforcements sent by both sides fought together, and the team was led by ten ethnic saints from Xiangtian and Heaven. During the intense war with the Demonic Saints, one of the saints also reported to the four ancestors, including the ancient Saints, who lit the lights for the first time.