852 Chapter 851 Attack on White Arts City (1/2)

Black Rock City has been completely occupied by Ancient Holy Sect, which has also become a bridge fortress for Ancient Holy Sect attacks on Yin Sacred State and the starting point for Yin Sacred State fighters to evacuate Yin Sacred State.

Therefore, the geographical location of Black Rock City is important, so the ancient Holy Sect also left behind a saint specially in Black Rock City, as well as thousands of disciples to guard the town to ensure the safety of Black Rock City.

After leaving behind the men stationed in Black Rock City, Xiao Dun and others were divided into three roads and began to advance towards the heart of Yin Holy Sect.

Already distributed, Xiao Dun, Longqing, Dust Ling, Qin Shui Soft, and the fourth son Jiang Yue, they followed the heavenly wind saints and the purifying saints to attack Baiji City.

As one of the closest three pools to Black Rock City, compared to Black Rock City, White Rock City can be said to be a big city, even if you look at the whole Yin Holy State, Black Rock City is the absolute top ranking.

Precisely because the White Arts City is much larger than Black Rock City, it is clear that the guard forces arranged by Yin Holy Sect in White Arts City will be much stronger.

However, this attack on the White Arts City was not only a few Xiao Dun, in addition to the sons such as Xiao Dun, the quasi-son, and the two saints, there were five and a half deacons and 3,000 ancient sacred disciples.

There should be nothing wrong with taking down Baiji City with such a force.

Again, there is no transmission array. Not only did the Yin Sacred Sect destroy the external transmission array, but even the major transmission arrays in Yin Sacred State were destroyed by the Yin Sacred Sect. Thus, in Yin Sacred State, it is no longer possible to rush by the transmission array.

Luckily, however, the White Arts City is not far from the Black Rock City, even if the big troops rush, under all their might, a day is enough to arrive.

Starting from Black Rock City, he went straight to Baiji City. A day later, Xiao Dun and his travelers appeared outside Baiji City. From a distance, Baiji City had opened up a large battle of city guards. A white light shield covered the entire city pool.

Faced with this Baiji City like a great enemy, Sky Wind Saint and the Purge Saint immediately said, “We break the formation law, still the same, once the formation law breaks, Jiang Yue, Xiao Dun, your task is to take people down the city gate and seal off the whole Baiji City. ”

Still, the gates are still seized first, but there are really four gates in Baiji City, so that Xiao Dun and others can only act separately.

Ultimately, several people decided that Jiang Yue, Longqing, Dust Ling and Xiao Dun each led people to seize a city gate. Of course, Qin Shui Soft followed Xiao Dun.

With the plan, then Sky Wind Saints and the Puritan Saints took the lead, and the two great saints rose into the sky, instantly appearing over Baiji City, that terrible repression, even across the line, still frightened the hearts and minds of many Shady Zongwu in Baiji City.

Again, no saints were sent to sit in the town in Baiji City. After all, in the face of the three holy religions at the same time, the saints of the Yin Holy Sect are extremely limited. It is impossible to see these saints dispersed again, so that the three holy religions can be defeated one by one.

Without the holy people sitting in the town, it is doomed that the Baiji City could not have stopped the ancient Holy Sect attack at all, and this, the Yin Holy Sect thought came to realize, so, from the very beginning, the people who guarded the Baiji City in these towns can be counted as the abandoners of Yin Holy Sect.

Reinforcements are unlikely to be forthcoming and will have to rely on the Citadel Battalion to procrastinate, but such procrastination will obviously not last long.

No bullshit, Sky Wind Saints and Puritans directly launched an attack, and under the attack of the two Saints, the Battalion of Baiji City's Protectorate soon began to vibrate.