334 Chapter 334: Preparation of Xiao Sheng (1/2)

The purpose of the eight demonic holy circles is to find other ways to hear the words of the demonic holy one, and the other demonic holy one says, ”What other way? The black wing has been sacred, and now the space passage has been destroyed, so what can I do? ”

The space passage to Tianchen mainland has been destroyed by Xiao Sheng, so that it is impossible for the demons to want to open the space passage again.

Hearing the words of this holy demon, the other holy demons were silent, half a noise later, the demon who had come out to play the circle before slowly said.

“The power of the Heavenly Chen mainland can never be relinquished. With these power of origin, we can hope to break through the realm of sub-holiness. There is no way to construct a space passage from the new, then we will leave directly and lead the army to Heavenly Chen mainland. ”

Without a space passage, we can only rush directly to Tianchen mainland. Hearing this, the demons looked at each other and one of them said.

“From Blood Devil's Lands to Heaven's Lands? Do you know how long this will take? It'll take at least a few years. ”

“What can I do? The Blood Demon mainland has no power of origin. If we stay here, even if we die, we will never hope to break through the realm of sub-holiness. The Heavenly Chen mainland is a bullet land, but it has power of origin. If we can occupy the Heavenly Chen mainland, wouldn't it be better than in the Blood Demon mainland? ”

“Nor is that unreasonable, and I agree that, on this bloody continent, there is no further possibility for us to go to Heavenly Chen. ”

“Well, I agree. ”

Without the space passage, the Demonic Saints also decided directly to rush to the heavenly continent, and everyone agreed, the Demonic Saints who put forward this idea eventually said.

“Well, we will wait for each one of us to bring the strong ones, and then we will depart from the heavenly continent, and as for the Blood Demon continent, leave some people behind to guard it. ”

The action of the Eight Demonic Sacred Souls was quick. The Black Wings Demonic Sacred Souls were only just a few meteorites away, and they had made a decision. With the sound of the Demonic Sacred Word falling, the Eight Demonic Souls Projection quickly disappeared into the Hall. Obviously, the Eight Demonic Sacred Souls were the only way to prepare for the Heavenly Chen Continent. They could do anything for the power of origin, because it was their only option to break through the Assange.

At the same time that the eight Demonic Saints made their decision, Xiao Shengtuan sat first in the Temple of Heaven Chenshan, while the rulers stood respectfully under Xiao Shengdu.

Although Xiao Sheng has never been seen before, it is entirely the credit of Xiao Sheng to be able to kill the Black Wing Demon Saint this time, and as a saint, the lords have great respect for Xiao Sheng Nature.

However, at the same time, there are strong fears in the hearts of the rulers. Although the space passage has been destroyed by Xiao Sheng, the eight demons of the Blood Demon Continent are erected on the heads of the rulers as if they were sickles, so that they cannot breathe for a moment.

Seeing what the rulers thought, Xiao Shengfang said, “Wait, are you still worried about the Eight Demons? ”

“Returning to the Holy One, the Eight Demonic Saints, it is indeed difficult for us to cope.” Hearing this from Xiao Sheng, the master of the sky machine said no hidden reply.

Indeed, the Eight Demons are no longer able to cope with this, and in close contact with Xiao Sheng, the rulers can feel that Xiao Sheng is not really a living person, plus what the Black Wing Demon said before his death, Xiao Sheng himself does not exist long.

Without Xiao Sheng, what will Tianchen Mainland use to fight the eight demons?