Chapter 72 - Home Visit During Summer Vacation – First Part (1/2)
“During summer vacation,”
Hiiragi-chan spoke while washing dishes in the kitchen.
After turning the volume down on the TV, I turn my ears to listen.
“I want to do a home visit. What do you think?”
“What? Home visit? … Haruka-san, you aren’t my homeroom teacher though.”
“That’s true but…”
She stopped the water, untied the apron from her back and came towards me. For some reason, this type of gesture really seems to resonate with me these days.
Hiiragi-chan didn’t end up sitting across from, but next to me.
“As an advisor, I would like to get a better grasp of Seiji-kun’s home situation, or something like that?”
“Once you do that, then what?”
Groaning a bit, Hiiragi-chan formed a single line with her lips.
“… You just want to hang out at my place, right?”
“T-that might or might not be the case?”
Fuu fuu, she blew out air in an attempt to whistle.
It’s not that I don’t understand her interest in my room. Looking back, I haven’t ever invited Hiiragi-chan over even once.
“When you caught a cold, I ended up intruding just once.”
“When I caught a cold? My place? You came after school?”
“Ah. Ummm… yeah, that’s right. After school. However, it seems you were sleeping, so I left.”
Why is she not saying that while looking at my eyes? Is she hiding something?
Oh well.
“Even if you do come, there’s Sana and my parents at home, what are you going to do? You would only be there as an advisor.”
“At that time, I, Hiiragi Haruka, will do her utmost in greeting Seiji-kun’s Okaa-sama and Otou-sama! Of course, as an advisor.”
Perhaps she was inspired by me reporting our dating relationship to Hiiragi Papa. However, our family is a completely normal and average household. If she were to do a coming out like I did last time, then both my parents and Sana would draw back. Since it’ll turn into a complicated situation, I would rather her not do her greetings.
“Then… how about coming over today? There’s no one home though.”
“I’ll go!”
And so. Hiiragi-chan was invited to my place.
My parents are both working, with Tou-san usually coming home late, and today was also a day where Kaa-san comes home late. Sana also went out with Kanata today, and she might also be home late.
When I brought her to my room, Hiiragi-chan looked all around the room.
“The manga is put into colored boxes, there are also several games… You’re study desk is also neatly organized…”
“It’s nothing. It’s mostly pretty random. Feel free to sit down on either the bed or the sofa. I’ll go make some tea.”
“Ah, don’t worry about that.”
Even if she says that, she always makes some for me, so today, it’s my turn to make her some tea.
After making some barley tea in the kitchen, I return to my room.
“Thank you for wai…ting…?”
Hiiragi-chan’s eyes were full of tears as she turned around to look at me.
“Eh. What!? Is something wrong!?”
“Thiissssss! What is thiiiiiisssss!?”
Hiiragi-chan pointed at the magazine that she was holding.
Ugeh!? I thought I had put it as far into the back of my desk drawer as possible! This is bad…
“Th-this perverted book…!”
Didn’t I say only after you turn 20!? She would of course say that. [1]
Or maybe, this is what you like…? As she looks at me with a despising expression.
I hurriedly grabbed the magazine.
“Aaah. This, aaah. That’s right, of course. It’s Fujimoto’s! That guy just forgot this here!”
Like a pro-wrestler performance, I finished it off with a dunk shot into the trash can.
“Well, if it’s that, then it’s fine…”
Fuu. I made it.
“If it was Seiji-kun’s, I didn’t know what I would do.”
Thank you for you care, sorry… I secretly apologized to everything inside the trash can.
“There’s no way that would be mine.”
“I know right? I mean, Seiji-kun would never like a high school girl!”
… No, wait, isn’t that fine?
“If it was about an Onee-san living next door in the apartment, or about a teacher, then it would be safe.”
It’s a question of genre!?
“Little sister ones are forever forbidden!”
“You’re quite knowledgeable on genres!?”
This is bad… There are two other places… with hidden cards…
It was the correct decision to divide the risk up in order to deal with the worst-case scenario of when Sana or Kaa-san finds it. Packed into the back of the colored boxes with the manga, “different manga” is stored. Also, inside the game packages a “different disc” is inside it.
Neither are about Onee-sans, nor are they about teachers!!
If all of them are discovered, it would be 3 outs…
Then, why don’t you just date a high school girl? There would be a high chance of her looking at me with those cold eyes!
Even though I thought we could have fun in my room and flirt around! For there to be a pitfall here…!
“Seiji-kun, you’re sweating quite a bit, are you okay?”
“Eh, aah, yeah. I’m fine…”
I sit down next to Hiiragi-chan, and wrap my arms around her hips in order to stop her from moving.
“Mou, Seiji-kun… ♡”
Hiiragi-chan stuck closer to me like a spoiled cat. Yeah. I didn’t mean it like that, but I guess it’s okay.
“Ah. That manga. You said that that one was interesting before, right!?”
Hiiragi-chan pointed at one of the colored boxes.
Kuuuu! In the back of that one——!
“Is it fine to try reading just the first volume?”
“You can’t! Definitely can’t! Rather, it’s not interesting at all! Sorry!”