Chapter 65 - A Round Trip (1/2)
Mozo mozo, something within the warm blanket moved. I thought that maybe a cat or something had entered, but we don’t own a cat at our place. Nor do we have any other animals.
Something smooth and soft was touching my face. What’s happening in the morning…?
When I opened my eyes, I saw breasts.
The person who was letting out a calm and relaxed breath while sleeping was without a doubt, Hiiragi-chan.
What!? How and what is going on!? Wait, I’m completely naked!
“Nnnn… Ah. Seiji-kun, you’re awake? Good morning…”
“Yeah, good morning…”
We were both naked. The morning sun peeking through the curtains was bright. A refreshing morning.
This can’t be possible! What’s with this situation? As I look around my surroundings, I realized that it was a bedroom that I did not recognize. We were sleeping on a slightly large bed.
It can’t be…
It was there just as I thought. My smartphone. When I checked the date, it was late July ten years later.
The time leap was released.
Which means, this situation… It’s the next morning after a night battle! I have no memory of such an important sceeeeeneee!
It’s such a shame that I can’t share memories between the present me and the me that had returned.
“You’re making such a surprised face. What’s wrong?”
The naked Hiiragi-chan hugged me.
“Waaaaaaaaaaah!? The me right now is not the me from yesterday, so pleeeaaaaassse put on some clothes!”
If it’s like this, last night was definitely not the first time! H-how many times have we done iiittt!?
“Whose house is this”
“Whose house…? Fufu. It’s our house, you know? Are you still sleep talking?”
Ufufu, with a feminine smile, she poked at my nipples.
… Even after ten years, she still likes to poke me.
“Last night, you were even so vigorous. Did you also forget that?”
“Uwah. Such a straight face.”
Since I was troubled with where to put my eyes, I had Hiiragi-chan, whose maturity had increased, wear a T-shirt.
Pretending that I had slight memory loss, I had her explain the current situation.
“At the moment, the two of us are living together in this apartment, you know? Do you remember?”
“N-now that you mention it, that’s right…”
While I was amazed within myself, I tried to match her. The last time the time leap was released and I returned to this time period, we weren’t able to live together. She came to my place after I became a teacher and made breakfast for me…
That’s right. There was one reason for us being unable to live together. I was unable to gain the acceptance of Hiiragi-chan Papa.
“Being able to live together like this… it was hard, right?”
“Eeeh? You forgot that too? Well, it was three years ago.”
We’ve lived together for three years. That’s quite a long amount of time.
“You spoke with Otou-san many times and he had said no. But Natsumi ended up helping us convince him, and we were finally able to obtain consent.”
Oooh… so it was Natsumi-chan. So it was right for me to get closer to Natsumi-chan and reveal our relationship to her. The next time I time leap, I should buy something for Natsumi-chan.
“Then, are we living together on the premise of getting married?”
“You were told that marriage was a completely different matter by Okaa-san, remember?”
“This time it’s Hiiragi-chan Mama!?”
Hmmm. Since we were living together, I had the image of getting married, but it’s not that.
“But, before when we were inside the tea room, we decided no sex until after marriage…”
“When you say before, that’s really far in the past. Fufu… If it’s about that, Sensei doesn’t remember it…”
Pui, she turned and faced away from me. It seems like she’s playing dumb. Saying that it’s too far in the past and she can’t remember.
“You couldn’t endure it?”
“I-it’s for the both of us. It wasn’t just me.”
“Heeeh. Leaving me aside, then it means that Haruka-san was unable to endure…”