Chapter 25 - Let’s Head Into the City – Part 2 (1/2)
Let’s Head Into the City – Part 2
Heading into the shopping district, Hiiragi-chan and I walked side by side with our arms interlocked.
“It’s perfect! No one would ever notice!”
“Is that so…?”
I was somehow able to get out of crossdressing and was now wearing a cap to cover my eyes. That alone can’t give a perfect disguise, right? Hiiragi-chan was also wearing a disguise which included a wide-brimmed hat and a pair of sunglasses.
“This is the first time we’ve had a date in the town like this, right?”
“That’s true.”
Until now, we have only been together in places where other people wouldn’t notice.
“This way, this way, I have been wanting to go to a place around her for a while now.”
Excitedly, she pulled me along as we walked. The place that she wanted to go to seemed to be a crepe store. Hiiragi-chan was as excited as a child would be, as she waited her turn in line. She even ended up buying a portion for me. I took a bite of the crepe that she bought for me.
Yeah, it was good.
“You have cream on your face, you know?”
As I was being absorbed into the crepe, it seems like we’re going to do something cliché. Hiiragi-chan wiped off the cream that was stuck to my face with a finger and stuck it into my mouth.
“You weren’t going to lick it yourself?”
“Kufufufu”, she leaked out a strange laugh.
Since she seemed to be having fun, it can’t be helped. After that, we exchanged the crepes that we bought, then, after eating we entered into a clothing shop, and Hiiragi-chan seemed to be in good spirits through all of it. Because of the high tensioned sunglass wearing girl beside me, I drew more attention than usual.
“Next is this store!”
The store that she pointed to was a lingerie shop.
“Isn’t this a little bit too high of a hurdle…”
Disregarding my complaints completely, Hiiragi-chan grabbed my arm and ushered me inside. Uwaaah, the amount of pink that was covering my field of vision was quite troubling…
During all of my panicking, Hiiragi-chan ended up bringing two sets over.
“Well? Which one is better?”
“… Ah, yeah. Isn’t either of them alright…?”
“Umm, then, this one.”
I couldn’t look at it straight… rather, why did she want me to pick…? As a diverted my eyes, I noticed people that I recognized.
“Ummm, dear customer… the size of your chest is a little…”
“I-it’s fine, it’ll grow bigger after all.”
The person throwing a bit of a tantrum as they were conversing with the store clerk was my little sister.
“If that’s the case, until it grows larger, a smaller size would be—”
“Please don’t mock Sana’s chest. I was told, I’ll grow bigger in high school, after all.”
How much are you expecting from your growth exactly? Rather, who told you that? She then took a sidelong glance over in this direction. Ah! She made a surprised face. This is bad. I was noticed…!?
“…. Sensei!”
That’s what she noticed!? In a panic, Hiiragi-chan waved back.
“Y-you’ve made a mistake. This isn’t Hiiragi.”
She’s so bad at hiding it!
“Eh, why are you hiding?”
Suka suka, Sana came in my direction.
As I was trying was trying to escape, Hiiragi-chan grabbed onto my clothes and held me back.
“If you leave now it would be suspicious.”
“No, but…”
Aaahh, Sana arrived.
“Sensei, you were wearing a hat, so I was wondering who it was. You were also wearing sunglasses as well.”
She gave a quick glance in my direction, then returned to looking at Hiiragi-chan.
“Today is… your boyfriend? Going shopping with him?”
Made it…
“Sana-chan also wanted to buy underwear?”
Hiiragi-chan grasped her hat with two fingers like Jigen [1]. Then, she made a posed expression.
… It seems like she thought it was cool.
“That’s right! Nii-san was making fun of me, so I came to buy some.”
“Heeeh, is that so? Sanada-kun? He was making fun of you?”
Please don’t look this way with such a teasing expression.
“T-that’s right…”
“You want to show it to Sanada-kun?”
Sana seemed embarrassed as she fidgeted around.
“I-i-it’s not like I want to show him… but, Sana just want him to check it while it’s drying…”