Chapter 148 - Is This A Bad Time? (1/2)

Abby noticed that everything Katie talked about seemed to be nonedible. She was a die-hard foodie and always had been. She knew that doughnuts and a few other familiar pastries existed—at least in the more well-off towns—but hadn't seen much else that went beyond basic vegetables.

”What about foods?” she asked curiously.

Katie sighed. ”That's a little trickier. They don't have all of the same ingredients here and you know I was never much of a cook anyway. It was much easier buying things premade. Let me tell you; I craved pasta almost my entire pregnancy with Adam and I thought I would die because it doesn't exist here.”

Pasta? Abby's memory wasn't nearly as good as her sister's but she had made homemade pasta before as part of a Girl Scouts activity ages ago. It had been fairly memorable because everyone complained about how it was easier to buy it dried at the store.

The ingredients were simple: flour, eggs, and salt. The dough needed to rest for a while before rolling it out and cutting it into strips but it didn't need to be boiled for more than five minutes.

A lightbulb appeared over her head. If she had the time and ingredients to experiment, Abby might be able to recreate a lot of dishes from home. This could be her contribution to her sister's world.

And hey, she was sort of an artist too. She could get involved in the ill.u.s.tration business Katie had running no problem.

”I think I could make some! I would need a bit of leeway with ingredients to get the consistency right though,” Abby said as she clapped her hands together.

Now that she was in this world and had accomplished her only goal in coming here, she needed to find a new one. She had always been a goal-driven person and only felt fulfilled when she was working toward something.

Katie's eyes widened. ”If you can make me a plate of spaghetti I will literally sell my left arm to pay for it.”

Abby laughed at the exaggeration. ”No need to go that far. Trust me! I can totally do this.”

Katie didn't have the chance to respond because her son was calling for her. He wanted to go to the playground. She bit her lip, torn because she didn't want to leave Al to negotiate alone. She claimed it wasn't his strong suit.

They had already left the men alone for quite a while. It was obvious she was itching to get back in there. Abby offered to take him herself if she would point her in the right direction.

”You're a lifesaver,” Katie said fervently. ”It's a bit tricky to get there on your own…go to the third house on the right side of the road a bit down the hill. Al's cousin Nyla has young children and can show you the way. Tell her I sent you.”

Abby picked up the little boy and let him ride on her shoulders, much to his delight. ”Don't worry about a thing,” she promised. ”We'll be back in a couple of hours. Hopefully your business with Blaise will be finished by then.”