Chapter 137 - A Steel Vault (1/2)

Abby was weary of the road. Sleeping at night became more difficult as summer drew close. The heat was unbearable even in the dark. She would give anything for an electric fan or some air conditioning!

One day she was so tired from warding off the bugs that kept creeping into her tent—summer was a time of mosquitoes too—that she fell asleep in the wagon despite all of the bumps in the road.

She wasn't sure how long she slept but she was woken up when they hit a particularly big rock and smacked the top of her head on the underside of Blaise's chin. Had she fallen asleep on him?!

”I'm so sorry,” Abby apologized lamely. ”I didn't mean to fall asleep on you.”

He rubbed his chin and quite seriously said. ”It was an honor to be used as your pillow Miss Abby. No need to apologize. Is your head alright?”

She gave him a sheepish smile. ”It's no worse off than your chin.”

She sighed and settled back against the side of the wagon before glancing around to see where they were. A magnificent estate shimmered in the distance under the sunlight. She asked one of the traders where they were, figuring they would know better than Blaise since he had never been here before.

A trader named Wilem responded with a nod in the direction of the estate. ”That over there's the earldom of du Pont. The Kanta leader's wife is a daughter of that house.”

Abby's interest grew. So that was where Katie ended up? Putting the timeline together, she had probably stayed there for months before heading to the capital. Her fake family might be there right now.

Her curiosity burned within her but unlike with the queen, who had been ridiculously understanding, she wouldn't be able to get away with barging into an earldom and demanding answers.

They all believed that Katie was actually Catherine. It wouldn't go well for her.

She couldn't help but wonder what Katie's relationsh.i.p.s with those people were like. Mariela mentioned that she didn't care for the earl and countess at all but that she had enjoyed spending time with their children.

They were briefly mentioned in the novel. A few times after Katie moved into the castle they came by to visit and had tea or played cards. The little girl who was Catherine's sister seemed particularly fond of snuggling with Katie.

Abby was slightly jealous. Had she been replaced? No, not based on everything Mariela said. Katie still missed her fiercely right up until she moved out of the palace and their contact became more sporadic.

Still, she wondered what Katie had been thinking when she got close to the du Pont siblings. She must have been terribly lonely.

About two weeks into their journey they had to stop to repair a broken wagon wheel and Abby had the chance to walk around the town. There were a few major differences between towns in Shibatsu and ones in Annalaias, like the architectural style, but overall they gave off the same vibe.