Chapter 88 - Like A Brick (2/2)
We plotted with Franz and Mariela until it was time for lunch. Afterwards, back in our quarters, Al cornered me about my embarrassing statement earlier. I knew he wouldn't let this go!
”So…about what you said earlier.”
I sniffed, trying to avoid his obvious question. ”I don't know what you mean.”
”Come on Katie, don't be like that,” Al said earnestly. ”Why did you say I was yours? I want to know.”
Why did I say that? Was it only because I was trying to prove a point that Al couldn't be pushed around by his fake family anymore? Or was it because I really did think of him as mine?
It didn't seem like it had been that long since I even agreed to give him a chance and we started 'dating.' I couldn't deny that I held a deep amount of affection for my husband even though he sometimes drove me crazy with his inconsistent personality and teasing.
Back then I decided to give staying with him a shot. Now I was thinking about how to plan out the rest of our lives together. I had said on multiple occasions that I had his back no matter what so I guess I had already decided in my heart of hearts that I wasn't going anywhere.
But was it because it was easier to do that or because I loved him? Staying with the one person I knew I got along with in this fantasy world was heartless but practical. Staying because I was in love with him was a different story.
Having never been in love, I wasn't entirely sure what it felt like. The only example I really had to go off of was my parents. They had fun together, supported each other, and were pretty cuddly.
I did all of those things with Al. I was protective of him, defending him against others, and held him through it (literally) when it seemed like his world was falling apart. Plus I rather enjoyed kissing him and sometimes even wanted more.
It hit me like a brick. Oh. I guess I was in love with him.
He wasn't anything like what I thought my type would be but here we were. Goofy, moody, apathetic and all. Warts and all, he was my husband and I loved him.
I let out a slight laugh at myself for not realizing it sooner before answering his question. ”Well, it's probably because I love you.”
Al stared at me as if his brain had stopped working. He was supposed to say something back to that kind of declaration, wasn't he?! But he didn't. Or, perhaps more accurately, couldn't. I had broken him.
He finally snapped out of it when I called his name. ”You love me? Really? When did you figure that out?”
”…just now, actually.”