Chapter 74 - See-Through (1/2)
I hurriedly whispered for Mariela to lie on her side as I grabbed another blanket and a few pillows to pad her and hide her growing belly. That should be sufficient cover if Rosenia didn't stay long.
”Let her in, Patrice,” Mariela said softly.
I hopped off the bed and stood tall for decorum's sake, even if I was wearing one of my comfy sweater outfits.
Rosenia glided into the room without sparing the maid a glance. ”Dear Mariela, you've been ill so long. The queen and I are worried about you.”
”It is common to be ill this time of year but thank you for your concern.”
Mariela's composure never wavered as she spoke though she was lying in a rather undignified position. I admired her for that. If it were me, I would have been sweating bullets.
”What is it that afflicts you so? You have been bedridden for over a month and hardly attended any tea parties long before that.” Rosenia was definitely here snooping for information.
”Don't you know it's rude to ask people about their health problems?” I demanded, my royal manners deserting me. My natural speaking patterns tended to manifest themselves more when I was nervous.
I was terrified for Mariela's baby. Rosenia was one of the last people they wanted to find out. She would tell Sigmund immediately and the plotting against the unborn child would begin.
Rosenia's benign expression turned disdainful and she curled her lip at me.
”Who are you to question me? Your lower birth is evident in your harsh way of speaking. As is the way you dress. You are unworthy of your title.”
Did she really think that would get to me? I knew better than anyone that I was unworthy of my title. Her words bounced right off me leaving no impact.
”I am merely looking out for one of my own,” I drawled.
Her beautiful eyes narrowed into slits. ”You consider the second princess one of your people?”
”Why not? She's my friend. We less important princesses ought to stick together.”
I could tell Mariela was trying very hard not to laugh at Rosenia's increasing ire. Good. I was happy to amuse her.
Staying in bed all day must be dreadfully boring. Franz was with her most of the time but he didn't strike me as the most humorous fellow.