Chapter 72 - Babies (1/2)
For the longest time I mentally chastised Al for not wanting to involve himself in his family's problems for the sake of the plot. Now I felt guilty about my double standards. If he were anyone else, I would have agreed that he should cut ties with them and live his own life happily.
Since disregarding the plot and trying to think of this as just another place I landed in that was not a novel and had no set future, I went back and forth about whether it would be in our best interests to stay or go.
There was still treason to contend with. Maybe Franz would just let us leave once he became king and we wouldn't have to worry about it.
I wrapped my arms around him.
”I'm sorry you had to deal with all that. I don't support his inaction but I do believe he'll treat the people of this kingdom better than Sigmund will and that's why I'm on his side. We won't have to worry about any of this once the spring court session is over.”
He returned my hug tightly and buried his face in my hair. ”I hope this all blows over by then, for your sake. I imagine you don't want to leave any loose ends.”
”I do wish we could see Mariela's baby be born though,” I said wistfully.
It would be fun to be an aunt. Since Abby was worlds away and Adele was too young, this might be my only chance.
”Why would you want that?” he asked in confusion while stepping back to better gauge my reaction.
This didn't surprise me much. Extended family being close to you was a foreign concept here. I didn't even meet any of the du Ponts' relatives until my debut and even then they were politely distant like any other member of the nobility.
My mother was an only child and all of my dad's siblings lived out of state for most of my life so I only saw them a few times a year but our family reunions were always happy occasions.
”I've always wanted to play with a little niece or nephew,” I said simply.
Al shook his head indulgently. ”You and your strange ideas again. That isn't how things work here. If you want to play with a baby so badly we could always—”
I covered his mouth with my hand while looking away so he wouldn't see my mortification. Was he a mind reader or something? How had we come back to this topic when I purposely tried to avoid it?!
”Quit while you're ahead, buster.”
He peeled my hand off. ”I was going to say we could go down to the city and visit the orphanage before we leave. What were you thinking of?”