Chapter 63 - The Dare (1/2)
In his panic, Al scrambled forward on his hands and knees in a rather undignified way.
”No, that's not true at all! I always wanted to be your friend. I just wanted to be friends…permanently. Didn't you once say that couples were supposed to be friends?”
I had, hadn't I? But that was referring to Franz and Mariela, who were already married and needed to make the most of their situation.
Al had been planning to trap me by his side from the beginning.
I was angry but I shouldn't have been. I knew he was a suitor from the start and deluded myself because out of everyone I met here he reminded me the most of an average American guy.
Whatever crush he had on me in the beginning had probably been made a lot worse by all the fun we had together while I was trying to keep him from dying of boredom as per our agreement.
I brought this entirely on myself.
I exhaled heavily and leaned my head against the couch cushion.
”I did say that, huh? Alright.”
He ogled at me in disbelief. ”That's it? I thought you would be mad.”
I was mad but that was beside the point.
”I asked a question and you answered it. It's part of the game.”
”…that was pretty mean, you know. I tried so hard to hide it too. Don't you dare avoid me now—I didn't want to say anything.”
”I won't.”
If I did that I would go bad with boredom too.
Besides, I already pretty much knew. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions to formulate a more efficient plan of attack.
Al eyed me distrustfully for a moment before noting that my expression was calm and I was serious.
”Alright, my turn. Truth or Dare?”
I figured he would do something slightly mean spirited as payback like making me dump a glass of water on my head.
”I dare you to kiss me for two minutes straight.”
He stared me down defiantly as I tried to gather my wits about me. They had fled the moment I heard 'kiss.'
”I choose Truth,” I said shakily.
No way was I going to kiss him! We'd been married for a month and nothing had happened—I fully intended to keep it that way.
”Then tell me your deepest, darkest secret.”
Ah. This was exactly why I'd been avoiding Truth.