Chapter 61 - This Isnt Good (1/2)
Franz burst into the room frantically with the royal doctor and Al on his heels.
”Mariela? Does anything hurt? Are you still feeling ill?”
He hovered over her like a fruit fly does a bunch of bananas as the doctor began his ministrations.
Al and I hung back by the door, grave-faced.
”I ran into Franz on the way,” he whispered. ”He has been panicking the entire time. Quite annoying, really.”
I shot him a look. ”She's his wife, it's normal for him to worry when she's sick.”
”Nobody should worry that much.”
”You're saying you wouldn't worry about me?” I teased.
I meant is as a lighthearted comment, thinking he would come up with some sarcastic reply but he remained silent.
Oh. He actually would worry about me. My stomach flip-flopped. I wasn't sure how to feel about that.
After several very tense minutes, the doctor smiled at Franz.
”Congratulations, Your Highness. The princess is with child! She appears to be about two months along.”
Al and I both gaped at them but poor Franz looked even more shocked that we did.
”I'm going to be a father?”
The doctor nodded. ”I'm sure the king and queen will be most pleased to hear this news.”
”Please do not tell them yet,” Mariela finally spoke up, forcing herself to sit up with the ghost of a smile on her face. ”I would like to wait a while longer.”
Franz came back to his senses, his dazed expression replaced with his usual sharp one.
”Yes, please refrain until the pregnancy is more stable. I would not want to excite the king and queen unnecessarily.”
The doctor's eyes lit with understanding. ”I see. I will not say anything, rest assured Your Highnesses. Many blessings on your child and Annalaias. I shall take my leave.”
They both nodded as he left and Franz instantly knelt in front of his wife, clasping her hands in his. Joy and dread flitted across both of their faces.
”We should go,” Al said quietly.
I nodded and followed him out. The atmosphere was clear to read. They were worried about their child.
But why? Wasn't pregnancy supposed to be a happy thing? Although…Mariela had never gotten pregnant in the novel.
I was horrified at the thought but it might be because of me. My cheeks flamed.
Their relationship improved after I meddled. But I only meddled because it was already supposed to be good in the novel! How had this happened?!
Al sighed and flopped onto the couch back in our room. ”This isn't good.”
”It's about the crown prince, isn't it,” I surmised.
Having time to think on the walk back it was the only conclusion I could come to. Since he was still childless he would see any royal baby as a threat.
Sigmund and Rosenia had been married for almost four years and she had never been pregnant.
If the baby was a boy…and the king died before Sigmund could produce an heir…the court might rule that it was better to have a king that could continue the bloodline.