Chapter 47 - Safe (1/2)
Dancing with Duke Orla couldn't end fast enough. It looked like he wanted to keep talking to me but a familiar shadow towered over me and came to my rescue.
”Charles, I believe my fiancée needs to rest. I can take care of her from here,” Al said firmly as he wrapped an arm around my waist and whisked me off the dance floor to a secluded corner with a glass of lemonade.
Normally I would have teased him about saving me but I felt odd after my conversation with the duke. Al wasn't stupid. He just wasn't putting his capabilities to the test because he didn't care to.
People didn't give him nearly enough credit. If Al had been born in my world, I could see him as one of those grad students who keep going back to school forever to avoid getting a real job. I knew a few of those in college. They were highly intelligent but had no sense of direction.
”Are you alright? I know you don't get along well with him.”
I glanced up at my savior. Concern lit his smoldering gray eyes and the look on his face was oddly familiar. I had seen it somewhere before—somewhere back in my world. Where had I seen it?
An unexpected wave of tenderness washed over me. Al was just Al, looking out for me as usual. He was a really good friend.
”I would have been a lot less alright if you hadn't showed up,” I admitted. ”I was about to deck him.”
”Deck him?” he asked, confused.
”Ah, I mean I was this close to punching him in the face.” I held my hands close together for dramatic effect.
Al laughed so hard that he actually slumped into the chair next to me because he was unable to stand up straight.
”What I wouldn't give to see that! What on earth did he say to upset you so much?”
It wasn't nice to tell people when others were making fun of them. Al got put down all the time; it was unnecessary to pass on this particular insult.
”He insulted someone I care about.”
”Edmund? I thought they were friends…but after meeting him I can see how he might set off someone like Charles,” Al mused while straightening his jacket. It had become a bit crumpled due to his laughing fit.
”Yeah, I don't know how they even became friends at all,” I agreed.
Circ.u.mventing the question was the best solution at this point. I knew Al cared about me—I was his only friend. But if he knew I cared about him it would be harder for me to leave. I didn't want him to take it the wrong way.
”They are about as different as night and day.”
I yawned and blinked sleepily. All the dancing was starting to get to me. Moving around in such restrictive clothing was a real workout!
It was no wonder all those dance competition shows had such skimpy costumes. I bet they were a lot easier to move in.