Chapter 14 - Staring (1/2)
The banquet hall was completely stuffed and yet there were additional halls set up for the lesser nobility that wouldn't fit. In our room, I spotted the king and queen, Duke Orla, and the crown prince.
The duke hardly took his eyes off me, which made me uncomfortable, but someone else was doing the same thing. Someone I didn't know.
He had the same dark hair as the duke but instead of brown, his eyes were a smoky gray. I had never seen such eyes. Sadness pooled within them but they still stared at me with the intensity of several suns. It was a bit alarming.
”Percy,” I whispered. ”Do you know who that man is?”
”Which one?” he whispered back.
”The one staring at me!”
”Lots of them are staring at you. You are possibly the prettiest debutante here; you are going to get swarmed on the dance floor,” he predicted grimly.
I did not want to think about that. Were there really that many people staring at me? I guess I only noticed the most intense ones.
”The one sitting at the far table with the gray eyes,” I hissed, being more specific.
”I have never seen him before,” Percy said. ”Not surprising. There are a lot of nobles and I do not get out much. But he has to be at least a marquis, look at his coat.”
It was an impressive coat, complete with an insane amount of buttons. How did he ever manage to get in and out of that thing?
”Edmund's friend the duke is staring at you too,” he pointed out unhelpfully.
”Yes, I know,” I said through gritted teeth.
I wanted this over with. I wanted to go home. I would chop off my left arm just to get these people to stop looking at me.
I was on the verge of screaming right in the middle of the banquet hall. Let me out of here!
”That is the price of being beautiful, Catherine,” he said with a small chuckle.
Clearly he was proud of me just like that phony countess. Oh, my brother, you've failed me. Whatever brownie points he had earned by saving me pies were lost instantly.
”Shut up,” I mumbled.
I didn't ask for this. Never had I missed my boring old face so much. No one would stare at Katie Pullman.
The rest of dinner was horribly awkward. Nobody other than Percy talked to me and he only talked when I did.
The countess was too busy gossiping with her friend the marchioness. The earl discussed politics with a duke. Nobody knew me, so why would they talk to me?
Well, I'm sure some of the unmarried noblemen would but they were not seated next to the debutantes and their families. The nearest debutante's brother that was staring at me was too far away to communicate with.
I sunk lower in my chair, wishing I could disappear.
I aged ten years during that dinner. At least, it felt like I did.
When we exited the banquet hall and filed into the ballroom, my nervousness increased tenfold. What creeps were going to ask me to dance tonight?