79 Chapter 79: Switch gears (1/2)
After quite awhile, Laurice felt lethargic that her knees almost gave away. Her grandmother's taunting comments were infuriating. It was hard enough for her to try and not to question everything that's been happening to her to begin with as she felt defenseless at the moment, much less to stand before this audience in particular and now this? What a letdown, but it was as expected.
It did took all her might just to shrug off the unwanted feelings that was bottling up inside of her that it shows. It can't be helped though. She have always been that transparent when she tends to be too emotional that it even gets to the point, such as now, where she's incapable of concealing her surprise, annoyance and anger altogether. Surprising her own mother the most to her satisfaction.If it was some other day and for some other reason however, Laurice might have actually laughed her head off for seing how stunned her mother was. But this was no laughing matter indeed.
Thinking running way will only make her look bad in the eyes of such people, Laurice decidedly dismissed her initial thoughts of leaving the place in a whim at the back of her head and tried to compose herself both in mind and in body. It was such good news that she chose not to be so willful today.
And didn't she promise to not embarrass herself and avoid displaying a single mistake awhile ago? Then she would fulfill that promise until the very end despite whatever circumstances that may arise.
Enduring in silence.
That was Laurice's special ability anyway.
So with her anger slowly dissipating, the tensed atmosphere also begun to ease up a little.
Was it an illusion?
James wondered as he gaze at the beautiful woman before him. Her features already mellowed and softened making it so hard to believe that she was that same person moments ago who exuded that distinct cold and dark aura. He rubbed his eyes in astonishment thinking he might be imagining things. But truthfully, it wasn't just him. Someone else was also plain shocked although he didn't appear to be.
Summoning back her rationality, Laurice let out a sigh before finally speaking putting her own mother's advice in consideration.
She shifted her attention by lifting her head up on an angle but barely looking at her grandmother's face as if clearly avoiding to meet the old woman's eyes.
But even if such was already the case, she could still feel that piercing gaze directed towards her and it was rather intimidating. Laurice gulped inconspicuously. She was not that immune and courageous after all, she reckoned.
Laurice spoke in a low and almost cracked voice, ”I'm sorry gra--” Pausing a bit with a stammer, she dared not address her so familiarly and said instead, ”Madam.”
Madam? How distant, she thought.
”I apologize for my rash behavior just now.” Her apology did sounded sincere and heartfelt but still earned no response whatsoever.
How obedient of her to follow her mother's orders. If this is one to many others, she thought she might not hold up for too long.
Not knowing what to say next, Laurice kept a blank stare, and just let her mother do all the talking herself afterwards.
Oddly enough and much to everyone's complete disbelief, the old madam fell silent in her seat without paying any more attention to the guest herself.
Laurice: ” ...?”
Was she forgiven? Laurice guessed not.
Camilla then finished off her speech about her daughter briefly stating that they have lived in the states for a long time and raised her there until adulthood without any mention of Laurice's father deliberately omitting the sensitive topic that was never discussed amongst them as they ate the dinner prepared by the resident chef and cooks. The conversation continued on about the family business and other trivial matters.