77 Chapter 77: I need her (1/2)

There was silence the moment the mother and daughter pair walked in the dining hall. As if on cue, all eyes darted towards their direction, some with a look of caution, others with interests and the rest are simply unfathomable.

Laurice however, dismissed the apparent oppresive glare from a certain someone and ignored the rest of them as she stare blankly in space trying not to recognize a single face. She did not come for this. She did not specificallyplan on making any friends or even enemies with these bunch of people nor leave any memorable impression on their heads.

It was a pity though that she was not paying too much attention around her since a few pairs of eyes were already locked at her in awe as if they were mesmerized. She was doning a turtleneck soft sweater in ivory matched with a pair of faded denim jeans, clad in her old white sneakers. Her hair was clamped in a tight bun exposing her clear and blemish-free skin. She was not wearing any makeup at all visually making her look rather fresh and younger than her age. She pretty much look too country for someone who had gone to live in the states for a very long time. James in particular, was staring unblinkingly and blatantly at her.


Almost everyone occupying the custom macassar ebony dining table were looking rather posh in their wardrobe but Laurice did not feel out of place in any sorts and was neither intimidated. She carried herself with pride and much humility as she simply disregard the whole idea of dressing up for this banquet, thinking she need not need to impress anyone in particular. Yes, not even her grandmother. If only her mother knew of her intentions though, she would probably be disappointed.

Ignoring all their curious gazes, Laurice switched gears the instant the old madam placed down her cup. She stood there alongside her mother and did not wait for her instructions as she took her chance to greet everybody in a gesture that earned a few different responses.

Laurice bowed a few degrees and said in placid tone, ”Good evening.” Omitting any other introductions, she then tilted her head to the side and glanced at her mother instead. Camilla took it as cue for her to her intoduce her daughter herself.

”Mother, father, everyone, this is my daughter, Laurice. She recently came back from the states and i plan on her putting her into office at the headquarters in a week.” Camilla indignantly and unceremoniously spoke without pause.

Laurice was dumbfounded but concealed her surprise with all her might. She pursed her lips as her eyes squinted slightly at her mother's choice of words wondering what is she rushing for. Her mother may appear poised and levelheaded but she was actually blunt, quick-witted and reckless. It so seems her audacious behavior was inherited and deeply influenced by her own mother herself, Adeline Ledesma.

The hostess, Adelina, the old madam herself, did not took pleasure with her declaration. Her gaze simply dimmed and the rest of the clan noticed the growing tension around them already. They dare not retort back nor acknowledge the matter currently at hand.

Clearing her throat in dismissal, the old madam contained her emotions and said uncaringly instead, ”Sit down.”

Her commanding voice and presence awakened Laurice to a fault. At the back of her head however, she was already shrugging off the unpleasant feeling of having someone trying to order her around.

Both Laurice and her mother obeyed silently as they took their seats besides each other joining them in the grand table.

Laurice inwardly sighed in relief. She thanked the heavens for the casual table setting set-up in front of her. Although her knowledge isn't limited to basic dining etiquette, she did not want to share a meal in a stiff manner. She have already expected that the conversations later will be stiff and absurd enough for her to handle.
