73 Chapter 73: Spoiled you too much (1/2)
Laurice drown in her thoughts while driving for over half an hour already. She could not help but smile deeply at today's encounter. The feeling surges and it was pure bliss.
Hours ago at Sid's penthouse.
The doorbell rang twice before Laurice recovered her senses.
Damn! She was still actually and practically naked underneath the coverup dress. Facepalm, she shifted her gaze to the man clinging to her who strangely remained rooted to the ground, arms snaked around her slim waist. He was uncaringly sniffing the side of her slender neck, completely ignoring the doorbell. Laurice felt a nerve twitching.
”Get off me.” She uttered coldly.
”Mmm.” Sid did not move a limb and moaned instead dismissing her blatantly.
'This insufferable man. He will be the death of me! Really now?!' Laurice felt like pulling her hairstrands from excessive frustration. She need not guess who was knocking on the door. She could even hear a slight pounding of probably a bare fist followed by an almost slamming and banging sound. Oh dear! Any more delay and it will cause severe damage to her reputation. But she just couldn't pull away from the man's tight embrace.
”It's probably your son. Let go off me now.” Laurice exclaimed.
'Or you'll get me in serious trouble!' She almost added. How will she be able to face the butler if he sees her at such state? He might believe something indeed has happened! Well, it's not like nothing happened, but still! It's humiliating on her part!
Laurice shook her head in horror. She was getting frantic.
”It seems i spoiled you too much.” Stressing every single word, Laurice said with a sharp voice. The man stiffened in an instant.
Laurice smirked as she continued her banter.
”Get your hands off me now or i'll ...” She warned as she spoke.
Unwilling to hear the consequences, Sid reluctantly pulled away in one swift motion. He then looked at Laurice with a disheartened expression as if he was wronged. Somehow.
Laurice: ” ...? ”
Laurice retreated from speaking ill when she noticed the man's disgruntled expression. Her eyes narrowed.
She felt a slight nudge in her chest upon realizing this but it's a foreign feeling that she could not give a name. Sid appeared as if he was not his usual self and it was quite ... adorable in her eyes.
No, no, no, adorable is not an attribute to define him as it doesn't quite suit a grown man like himself but ...
Laurice heaved a long sigh in realization.