69 Chapter 69: Seven Calls (1/2)
tut ... tut ...
'You have ... 7 messages ...
To hear your messages, press 1.
When you have finished, you may hung up ...'
The female voice record notification ended with a dial tone.
Laurice furrowed her brows hearing the number of missed calls she had just received through her activated voicemail. She left her phone on while charging in the penthouse when they went outside.
Was it Catherine? Was her bestfriend that awfully worried that she went missing from the bar last night without her knowledge so she ended up calling her multiple times today just to check upon her? Not possible. If it was her, Laurice doubted if the woman would send her that many voice records. If she was dead worried, she would have probably contacted the local authorities instead.
Laurice halted in her thoughts. Something wasn't right here and she could not be mistaken. Besides, her intuition is always on point.
'Who could it be, then?' Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
Laurice had finally recovered her senses and the heat of passion she was feeling from moments ago have been replaced by something imminent. Like something is about to happen.
She mechanically got up from kneeling beneath the man's feet and crawled her way on top of him unconsciously brushing her naked body against his.
The man underneath her fidgeted in both thrill and worry. Thrill from the contact when the woman's body touched him and worry with how fast her mood changes. Watching her sultry gaze turned indifferent in a matter of seconds was making him feel rather uneasy. He need not guess anymore. Those missed calls must have been important to her and based on Laurice's expression, they might not probably be any good news at all.
Laurice kissed the man's cheeks in consolation and said while wearing a deadpan face, ”I need to answer those calls.”
”Hmm.” Sid mumbled but did not let her go just yet. He held her firmly by the waist and forced her to look at him.
Laurice turned to him questiongly and asked in a huff, ”What now?” Her frustration slowly building up, unable to control her expressions she harrumphed.
Sid felt her indignation and his gaze gradually softened towards her. Laurice had always been transparent from the beginning. He could tell if she was in a sour mood or otherwise. The only thing that's bothering him somehow was he still had no idea what was going on her mind every single time. She was still a complete mystery to him.
He lightly pinched the woman's cheeks as he held her gaze warmly.
”Calm down. I'm here.” Sid uttered. He sounded a bit more gentler than usual.