19 Chapter 19: Ism staying (1/2)

Sid treaded rather leisurely around Laurice's house while she hurriedly followed behind him.

It was as if she turned mute the entire duration and just keep nodding to his endless babbling.

The man inspected the ground floor first starting from the livingroom and he continued to point the areas that needed security cameras. He also meticulously examined each corner from walls to ceilings, pathwalks and entryways which should be upgraded with high-technology equipments such as fire drills and intruder alarms. He even advised her to contact her contractor right after and have the person meet him to discuss the rest in detail and have his team install the equipments immediately.

She was dumbstruck yet again.

There were two guest bedrooms downstairs and surprisingly another room which is likely a servant's quarters, each with separate bathrooms.

Sid thought it was a relief that she didn't plan on leaving all by herself in this huge house after all. Certainly, a maid-servant will be of help. But the idea of two guest beds were bothering him a bit. 'Seems like the woman intends to invite people around her house that they even have a room for themselves to sleep in for who knows how long!'

Somehow the thought of another person, a man in particular staying with her under one roof is getting on his nerves.

His mood is getting affected and the temperature around him dropped a few degrees.

A certain woman suddenly felt a gust of wind that sent chills to her bones. She slightly trembled.

Laurice: ” ...?”

The two continued their 'inspection' and finally finished the first floor. Laurice who was initially feeling odd and reluctant about the whole ruckus was now actively and diligently responding to Sid's intelligent remarks. She realized the man was talking some sense so she gave in and ended up asking him several questions herself. She later found out that the man was actually an engineer. Sid was a Licensed Civil Engineer. He actually had a few more other licenses and certifications on his head but he did not bother telling the woman any of it.

Laurice thought it was a good thing to have her home fully-furnished and move-in ready if not she would probably be too embarrassed to even let him inside the house considering he was actually a professional.

Soon enough, they were already treading the wooden and metal staircase which complements the entire modern rustic charm of the house all the way through the second floor when Laurice suddenly remembered something. She instantly stopped on her tracks.

'Oh no, the second floor is completely her personal space. Like literally all rooms belong to her. And all rooms are unique only to her. But they weren't fully furnished yet.'

Sid suddenly noticed that she wasn't moving at all and was in a daze so she called for, ”Are you alright? Don't just stand there, it's dangerous. Come up.”

Laurice inhaled heavily and continued with her steps.

'Whatever! It isn't like she was hiding something anyway. If there's any mess then i'll just explain it to him.'

She decided to just let the matter be and just take advantage of the whole situation. She will take advantage of his professional help and opinion to improve her house free of charge.

'That's right, she will be the one taking advantage of him! Period!' 'Hehe, just kidding.' Her mind is getting naughty again.

She mentally noted that everything is just an inspection.


But she failed to realize that her decision will make her open doors with her own hands for the man himself which shall pave the way for him to get close to her. Closer even.
