12 Chapter 12: Something dangerous. Something passionate. (1/2)

Morning came at the Walsh Villa.

Doctor Go made another round of check-up for Laurice before making a few additions to her diet and finally clearing her off.

”Make sure not to skip meals and sleep, young miss. Take regular vitamins to boost your immune system and try to avoid stress as much as possible.” He reminded.

”I shall do as you say doc, thank you very much.” Laurice shook the doctor's hand before sending him off.

'As if i can avoid stress. But i can't trouble any more people.'

She grumbled inwardly and sighed.

Sid was observing her the whole time he can roughly guess what she was thinking. He was quite amused by her. The woman actually kept apologising to him and his servants the entire morning for the said inconveniece she has caused. He kept silent the whole duration as he watched her personally made an apology to each of his people who come near her. Every one of them was surprised how humble she was and they unconsciously ended up chatting with her forgetting to a certain degree that they have actually been unconsciously upsetting the young master of the household. The poor staff felt the cold stare from inside the room and did not want stay any longer for feeling somehow unjustly oppressed. Laurice on the other hand seems to have enjoyed having conversations with them so she did not let them off right away.

'Young miss, please stop terrorizing us any more. The young master is already fuming mad.' They could only pray that Laurice shall stop speaking with them already and excuse all of them immediately.

A certain little young master who seems to have been deserted somehow was also getting jealous waiting for a very long time at the side lines.

He could not take it any longer. 'These thieves!'

”Hmp!” Louie harrumphed.

All of them was frightened they excused themselves all at once the instant they heard the disgruntled little voice from around the corner.

'Even the little young master is protesting!'

When only the three of them remained inside the room, the little one took a hundred and eighty and turned back into an obedient looking child.

”Mommy!” He grumbled. He touched his mother's forehead and ask if she was feeling alright.

Laurice felt touched she charges towards him and hugged him ever so tightly. 'So soft and cuddly!'

”Let's go make breakfast, sweetie.” She said.

Sid frowned. He likes the idea of her cooking them breakfast but she was still looking somewhat pale.

”You don't have to do that Laurice. You need to rest.”

”I am well. I've been lying in bed for hours i worry i might strain my muscles all the more.”

'It's suffocating here young master.' She pleaded inwardly, her eyes begging him. She was not used to being pampered this way at all as she pretty much does her own chores. She also prefers staying ouside instead of enclosed spaces except when she's working on her crafts.

'Well, she could pretty much work anywhere any way.'

Laurice thought that they were rather conversing naturally since last night she was getting a bit comfortable around him.

”Then let's go out for a bit. Don't think about cooking anymore.”

Sid could not resist those eyes but he would rather not let her work in the kitchen to tire herself else she might run another fever. Also, that painting across the dining hall is still hanging in there, she might get upset again.

Recalling the matter, Sid was hesitating if he should ask her about it or not. He was really curious about her. Curious about the painting. It appears she recognized the painting and was somehow bothered by it. Mustering the courage, he finally asked her.

”Ahm, the painting ...” He uttered. He was actually getting quite nervous himself. He was afraid he might say something that could upset her that would make her want to leave right away. He absolutely did not want to offend her. Not now or else she might fall ill again. He doesn't want to see her in that same state. It somehow breaks his heart. He realized that his defenses towards this woman in particular is crumbling down.

This was rather another first for Sid. He was never too cautious about anything else before. But it appears that towards this woman, he was unsure of what to do or what to say, afraid she might be disappointed.

There was an ominous silence in the air right after he spoke.