Chapter 135 - One-Hundred-Twenty-Four (1/2)
After that… strange encounter we finally manage to eat our breakfast in peace and walk out of Leonel's room, already hearing the elves and magical creatures come and go, awake and going about their days.
Before we go, however, we have cleaned the room up a little, and with that the subject of our next conversation came to be.
”I told you not to look, you are too naïve for that.” Leonel says, mocking me.
”Ah, really, talking like that you really thought you were convincing me not to look? It was almost a challenge!”
”Just don't blame me.”
”Humf, I blame you as much as I want.” He chuckles.
”Sure. Then?”
”Then what?”
”Want to try the others?”
I give him a low kick on the leg.
”Ouch, a no would be enough!”
”No way! You pervert!”
Only then we leave as I try to control my flushed cheeks, because indeed I had …regretted a little looking at the rest of the contents inside the bag the devil gave me, and, uhm, well… some I manage to recognize, some others I could only try and guess what they were for, and let's just say my mind is very creative and all…
Seems like the s.e.x industry is very profitable around these parts too…
Never mind, never mind that at all, I don't want to know!
For a while after that we just walk, enjoying the easy-going environment and each other's company, but even the amount of happiness last night gave me and with his calming company around, nothing in this world would be able to distract me from what we were about to do.
And even I, always so confident and strong, am anxious right now, nervous about the outcome of this mission.
Will I be together with my brother the next morning? Or will I be mourning them both?
These thoughts did not help my cause, and without permission they keep replaying in my mind over and over, all the worst possible outcomes coming to mind, both dying, both being captured, of me never seeing them ever again, of this being the last time I see Leonel in front of me, or hear his voice and taste his smell.
I clench my jaw hard, and I do not even realize when I reach out for Leonel, simply squishing his hand with mine as I keep worrying sick about them both.
He looks at me but this time he doesn't try to say anything, aware that no words would be able to comfort me now, aware that his pity and concern would only make things worse.
But of course when your mood is already bad you can be certain that things will try to make it worsen even more…
So as we go meet the elves that were going to stay on guard and the elder elves responsible for the party; seemly an annual important one at that to celebrate, commune and discuss matters of state; we are stopped by someone in between out way there.
And for a few seconds I think my mind is playing tricks on me as I recognize the voice and turn around with a frown.
But there he was.