Chapter 116 - Extra - Isaa part V (1/2)
My first mistake came that same night, and the one to pay the price wouldn't be me, but rather, the child who one day would be my Templar.
As they prepare the camping around us, carrying water for the horses, cooking, talking and so on and on, we are left there in the middle for all to see, like part of the luggage.
So I'm not really surprised when one pair of eyes is still creepily staring at me.
I feel a chill run down my spine and, before I look back I already had a faint idea what my eyes would encounter, but even that did not prepare me for the sight, no child would be able to, to be under such intense gaze, a l.u.s.tful predatory glint that made me shiver and cower even more, the man unmoving, focused, only his hands were playing with a knife as his eyes did not even blink while staring me down.
My shivering self only fuels his hunger.
I did not understand, in such tender age, what the creepy man wanted from me, but I was sure that it would be something I was whiling to give, nor it would me do any good.
Nothing in this place would, and such an eager look in one of them; especially being the fancy man that the others feared; only makes everything worse.
I go back to ignoring him, ignoring it all, and as time passes I'm not even aware of where he is anymore, closing myself in, eyes opening but not seeing, and with no way of escaping from inside my cage there was no point in looking around me.
There was nothing good to see anyway.
As time passes I start to think, at first, that the men would leave us be as long as we were quiet and obedient, so I didn't say nor tried anything, just kept still as if I could blend in with the ground.
When the 'food' came, don't talk about eating, it was impressive enough that I had kept my stomach intact until this moment and one look over the… soup gave me more than enough reasons to avoid it.
If one put water and soil it would get the same color and texture of that soup I'm sure.
Even more, after looking over and seeing that some kids did not touch the food, I grow bold enough as to simply ignore the bowl.
But I should have guessed that, by the mere fact that I was in a cage and in a cleaner place, that I wasn't like the rest of them.
”Oi, the fairy is not eating.” One of them says, calling them guards would be giving them too much credit, so just ugly bandit and stinky would do.
They came closer, complaining all the way, making me tremble on the side and try to get as small as possible, only for them to kick the cage and make me squeak before I could hold the little scream in.
But of course those predatory eyes would not have left me unattended for long, so with the sound the creepy fancy man came forth, making me dread even more what was about to come.
”What's wrong?” He asks making so that both stinky and ugly fight for being the one to tell him, and somehow the creepy man makes do with the thrown words and understands the situation.
”This is indeed not good…We can't have that, can we?”
”Yeah, yeah, do you want to starve yourself and make us lose money uh?!”
”Yeah, high merch has to eat!”
I simply did not have an appetite, and if I knew they would react so badly I would have eaten in silence, but I don't have enough time to amend the situation when the creepy man finds it amusing and joins in.
”That asks for punishment, doesn't it?” The creepy man says, making my widen eyes immediately lower down to the whip on his waist.
That makes me tighten my hug on my legs and tremble, after all as a kid I did not know how to hide my feelings nor how bad would it be to display my emotions like that.