Chapter 104 - One-Hundred (1/2)

A growl resonates from the side, followed by another, then another, and when I look back I only have enough time to see dark shadows dashing forward, passing over me as I jump up and backward, avoiding whatever could be rushing our way from the darkness.

But that precaution was unnecessary.

Because soon after Mao Zexian is attacked by all directions… by hounds! It takes me a few seconds to realize that those were the Hell Hounds I saw before patrolling the place, and some had high levels themselves, nothing compared to myself and probably Cain of course, but so many at once made a formidable foe to most.

Some of them were only in their Doberman form and looking like mere bigger dogs, but some had the same explosive appearance my mother had back in the day, with dark red scales all over their bodies and strong jaws snaring at him and snapping in the air, a banging sound coming from their sturdy muscles demonstrating just how strong that bite is.

With a quick look over I can count 4 of them, 2 being level 30 and without a hell form, one being level 45 burning to the side, and the biggest one being level 52 with a bull of a body full of muscle and scales, horns growing on his back and making him look even bigger.

They were rather weak compared to us individually, but to common folk they were very deadly, especially like this, together as a pack, only that as a normal hound; just like my dumb brother; all of them chose the fire path, getting rid of the shadow element and focusing on being a beacon of blazing flames.

What's up with their d.o.g.g.y brains and fire anyway? Am I the only one who sees the glory of having the Shadow element and not making myself a walking torch?

Plus what the hell were they doing here?

Ding – Voice of command level up 124 –

Wait, how that evolved my voice of Command? I have trained that magic while using my shadows and fire army, transforming it into a link to clearly give out orders, but I have never tried in living things…

Ok, I'm lying, I tried, but it didn't work… until now.

Why is that? Is it because we are from the same species? But if I remember right the description has never mentioned something like that, right? Or perhaps… is another reason?

No time to figure it out now, if they are fighting against Cain, then they are fighting on my side; and I with them.

That's why I jump beside them, not stealthy so they don't mistake me for an enemy; and because that way I can really check if they are on my side; as the smaller weaker ones step aside and tuck their stump tails between their legs, scared of such a high-level creature as myself, but the strongest one of them only gazes at me for a second, enough for our eyes to meet as he makes the group focus once more on Cain while growling.

”Well well, if things didn't get troublesome…” Mao Zexian says, but his words are not portrayed on his carefree expression.

I watch as he stands straight and, suddenly, hits the crystal blades on each other, shattering them as if they were made of glass even though they felt solid and sharp as metal before.

Without the invisible blades he puts the swords together back to back, and with a click they attach to each other, explaining why one was longer than the other, making it look like a long lance with a very wide blade at the front and another at the back.

At that he separates his legs and half crouches, leaving the blade down and back while the hand in the front was at the form of a palm, all fingers together in a tight embrace as they point upwards.

As he stood there, ready for battle, his eyes never left mine, and with a smile and a sharp gaze his fingers move and bend up and down, taunting us to step forward.